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Everything posted by poxon

  1. Look at the types of guy/gal getting court there sloppy there the type that talk to much on social networking sites there happily tell everyone with photos evidence trespass all local areas using there vehicle to get to spots go out on the lamp with just about any one with a dog an lamp it’s crazy my cousin always insisted the working dog and it’s activities doesn’t belong on the Internet when he was active in the game the rules were no photos no phone turned on! No telling any one on any form of social media your off out no telling if you were lucky it’s all kept under your hat It’s made me
  2. He’s been being watched for a long time by the sounds of it plenty of media data evidence ,marked vehicle
  3. Don’t know about that mate been ive on here long enough now ? the comments I’ve made are there for a positive none biased vibe ??There are bound to be lads that have this cross now as pups hoping for ferreting dogs but don’t interact much an read the stuff on here an think they’ve fecked up and won’t put any effort in to training them because they believe it’ll be a lost caused Because it’s been said on here it’s truth?? end result being more Lurchers on the scrap heap don’t think any of us in to our Lurchers want that we want people to be successful with there dogs an hope they do well for t
  4. Why not ?? If it’ll do the job it’ll do the job if it’s trained the problem is most people that own bull bred dogs are incapable At training dogs
  5. why the feck not it’s a lurcher right??by it’s genetic make up it’ll want to catch gear if you put the time in an train it it’ll be as useful as any that’s what I love about Lurchers there adaptable animals there’s no rules set in stone it’s personal preference
  6. Mate everyone as learnt to just humour bill everyone knows it’ll be a different story face to face that’s why they humour him??It’s always the same I had a guy on a fb group that didn’t like the fact at the time I had a really good dog that was doing well for me he’d try his hardest to run the dog down an slate me in the process at any given opportunity he got only because the shit he has never amounted to much any way long story short on this group with his band of followers I was threatened with a good hiding off him next time I’m seen it went on to personal pm of the threats I blocked the g
  7. It’s like the bill,socks & katchum show full grown ass men arguing it out to see who will be crowned supreme hunting life champion 2019 ??.....bloody good show to watch though
  8. Should be some good uns I like the sound of this cross ??
  9. Nothing more than feral dogs an feral chickens fella it’s a matter of life or death not wolves or jungle fowl
  10. Mate you’ve sort of answered your own what you find interesting I find the same thing interesting to ??none of the sub species would revert back to what they originally were they would be just hybrids of there original ancestry an would more than likely go in a different path just like us humans we wouldn’t revert back to our sub species like nearndithols etc lol but bill is close ?
  11. they won’t revert back to wolf in appearance unless wolf is bred back in to them a good few generations same as domestic chickens won’t revert back to jungle fowl but will display wild behaviour if left to go ferrel just like domestic dog will go ferrel if they have no human intervention and have to fend for there selfs as it’s a matter of survival life an death if they don’t natures way of natural selection of who gets to breed an who don’t
  12. My old big bitch smashed a nail out about 5-6yr ago at the nail bed it bled like feck I had her to the vets because I didn’t have any think here to quarterrise it she was out of action for about 8weeks before I started running her on the lamp again the nail grows back but grows twisted but not as fast as the other nails
  13. It’s good to read that there are actually normal sensible people on here the rat race is a mugs game it’s something we’ve all been duped by with schooling in a sequence telling us what we need to do with our lives like all the good sheeple with no thought for happiness in mind We’re a short time living a long time dead we come in to the world with nothing an leave with nothing an it doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got or how hard you work in what career time spent with family is priceless always family first
  14. There’s me thinking it was going to be a bit of grime music bugzy malone ??
  15. Mental age or actual age ?? I recon bills got to be mid to late 50s my self
  16. Got one ordered to fella should make life easier round these parts with all the flooding it’s the first piece of lampers ppe on the market that’s pleased me it’s about time lampers safety was thought about
  17. No problem bill??We’re all in the same boat we have this passion for running dogs we want the best an do our best by them...we’re all in the same boat fella that’s how it is
  18. Bill ya no secret squirrel ? your no different from the next man that does a bit.think we’re all the same seen good an bad dogs owned good an bad but that’s how it is there’s no need to notify people you only let them know what you want them to know we’re all the same??Atb poxon
  19. Bills silly enough to believe his own legend he’s the teacher an every one else is below him an we’re all his students ?? he’s the only man that knows a decent dog an only him that’s owned them.....decent comes in all shapes an sizes all different crosses owned by all different types of people
  20. Fecking hell bill there ain’t half some dribble coming out ya cake hole
  21. Tbh mate the dog you already got will be bang on the money once she gets going your bond with that dog will be bang on if that’s the case there’s no point In complicating things by adding twice the amount of feeding,walking hunting an up keep just yet it will teach you nothing bar you thinking this pup an the young bitch could of been better if no other distractions were in the way of things if it was me but it’s not Id put all energy in to the one bitch you have forget about bringing a pup in just yet there’s plenty of time for that school the bitch you have now chuck plenty of lamping her g
  22. Tried getting some decent up to date pictures vicky didn’t go to plan but these are a couple I got
  23. Best way mate??Make sure you rear the litter just on green tripe alone or they won’t mount to nothing ??
  24. Have you figured out how to start that broom yet blacky I recon it’s the spark plug
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