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Everything posted by RicW

  1. As said, snare, live trap and shoot, HMR or .22lr at close range, shotgun with heavy load up to 40 yds. POISON is a VERY BIG NO. Illegal to start with, and you can't guarantee that only Charley will take it.
  2. RicW


    Yeah! When my daughter was about 4, we were walking along the cut, sorry canal footpath. We saw a guy walking towards us with a big GSD and a Rotty, off their leads. The dogs were totally under control, and as they came near us the owner heeled both. No problem, except as they came near my wee gal shouted "Nice Doggies!" and leapt at the Rottie. Threw her arms round its neck, gave it a BIG KISS on the nose, and this vicious killer rolled over for a tum scratch. The owner was really enbarrassed . . . and you would have bin gutted if that rotty grabbed hold of your doughter mate. my kids are
  3. RicW


    Yeah! When my daughter was about 4, we were walking along the cut, sorry canal footpath. We saw a guy walking towards us with a big GSD and a Rotty, off their leads. The dogs were totally under control, and as they came near us the owner heeled both. No problem, except as they came near my wee gal shouted "Nice Doggies!" and leapt at the Rottie. Threw her arms round its neck, gave it a BIG KISS on the nose, and this vicious killer rolled over for a tum scratch. The owner was really enbarrassed . . .
  4. RicW


    Oh and as a PS, when A were a wee lad, A'd tek me Dad's dog aht of a Sunday. Me and me ferrets and the Dad's lurker. Collie/GSD x Grey. Fast as fluk, kill owt that moved. Ferts down t'oil, rabbuts out t'other end, Toby'd 'ave 'em.
  5. RicW


    Centrefire rifle. I've learned to respect the dog hunters since I joined THL, but my hunting has always been with a gun. I'm trying to learn, so I may ask stupid seeming questions sometimes.
  6. RicW


    Never looked to be honest. Have you?
  7. Is that your new site name?
  8. I'm drunk, stoned, outa my skull on MDMA. Whassay? Ric PS forgot to mention the 'shrooms
  9. I hope you're not wrong. But with the crazed over-reaction after Hungerford & Dunblane, and the hysterical "Dangerous Dogs Act", I lack faith in the ability of our legislators to wipe their own arses, let alone tell us how to wipe ours.
  10. RicW


    This an honest question, OK? I am a rifle shooter. I have learned a lot about hunting with dogs since I joined THL. I've owned wee terriers that were mean ratters and bushers, but my preference has always been a big CF. Now there is a good thread about a Rottweiler saving his mate from a 'yote. What puzzles me is that no-one seems to cross Rotties with Greys to get lurchers. American bulls, Dogo Argentinos yes, Rotties no. Why not?
  11. Did anyone else see the report by the committee reporting to the Home Office on the Derrick Bird killings? I only saw a summary. Apparently they want the legislation tidied up big-time, simplified and applied evenly across the country. So say all of us, I imagine. Perhaps more worrying is that they say that anyone who has ever been convicted of an offence which could lead to any custodial sentence should be barred from ever holding FAC or SGC, even if they only received a suspended sentence or fine. Bird was allowed to keep his certificates despite a conviction for theft, as he got a suspended
  12. NO NO NO!!! If she catches you with the hoover once you'll be on carpet cleaning duties for ever! And a day!
  13. Although you should always take Wikipedia with a large pinch of salt, the entry on .303 ammo is worth a look. Just google .303 ammo and Wiki comes up. If the gun you are going to use is old, it might be better to avoid MkVIII milsurp as the chamber pressure is high. Kill some paper for me! ATB Ric
  14. RicW

    My New Tat

    Where you pleased with the results ? I wil see when its done! But its more about pride for my country and to make a statement about our problem with immagrants and terror. i wont be walking around bradford with my top off this summer! What the f**k kind of "statement" is it if you hide it under your t-shirt? I hope you're joking 'cos if you ain't you're chicken. Poser. Joke Mate OK. KWL
  15. RicW

    My New Tat

    Where you pleased with the results ? I wil see when its done! But its more about pride for my country and to make a statement about our problem with immagrants and terror. i wont be walking around bradford with my top off this summer! What the f**k kind of "statement" is it if you hide it under your t-shirt? I hope you're joking 'cos if you ain't you're chicken. Poser.
  16. Hate to say it but don't bother. I looked into this a while back. The choice of hunting bullets is, like, non-existent. My first "proper" rifle was a sniperised Lee-Enfield. Starred heavy barrel, cut-down fore-end, blueprinted action, Parker-Hale 1/4 MOA peepsights, shrouded foresight. Killed a lot of paper with it. 10 in a 12" group at 300 yards with iron sights any time, and one of the guys at the club could put 10 in a 6" ring. If you want to punch paper stick with Mil surplus. Or buy a .308. Lovely gun though. Best military bolt-action of 'em all
  17. Load of crap. Better off with a big stick. PS I've got a big stick I'll swap . . . Good choice bro. Tho' the shot shells are for indoors. Drop a charging spider at 6ft if you hit it between the eyes. They have 8 eyes.
  18. Thanks for that! I certainly wasn't sticking up for 'em. As Mal and one or two others realised, I was making the point that there is no sense shouting "Send the boogers back where they came from". Yeah, right, Birmingham, Cardiff, Stoke. I think that as British citizens they should spend the rest of their lives here. In Wandsworth. It's not the enemy without we need to worry about, it's the enemy within. Apparently this is happening a lot now. The 7/7 bombers were "British citizens". A first generation immigrant just wants to settle in, be a good member of society, practise his religion in
  19. RicW

    My New Tat

    I had my first tat 8 weeks ago, big scorpion on my right forearm. Sting near my wrist, claws up to my elbow. I'm 62. Go forrit surry. It's your back!
  20. Like, what are these cats using man?
  21. They are all British citizens . . .
  22. Report in the Independent on-line today. I can't sort the link out, but google Independent, top link, it's on the front page. Connected to Pakistan. Well fluk my boots.
  23. Join a clay club. I'm a rifleman from way back. The gun-handling skills are very different. Worth learning tho!
  24. RicW

    for sale rules

    Just checked my Concise Oxford English Dictionary. No such word as "donator" listed. DONOR, ok?
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