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Everything posted by sandymere

  1. skin and gut, into the freezer for a fortnight then defrost and feed, freezing saves having to worm as often and skinning and gutting saves freezer space as you just store the best stuff.
  2. It should be diet to fit need and one size does not fit all, if I owned a working sledge dog I would feed it a high protein and fat diet with very little in the way of carbs, no more than 10%, as fat is the basic fuel for steady long duration work, but as I own sight hound types I feed carbs as these provide the basic fuel for sprint type activities.
  3. http://www.searchdogsne.org/reference/Medical/feeding_optimal_performance.pdf
  4. Probaly nothing if it is already getting a decent diet and it has no gastric problems. A little will likely not do any harm and fine as part of a balenced diet. http://www.badscience.net/2010/06/the-return-of-a-2bn-fishy-friend/
  5. It's just ground wheat isn't it, would be a source of carbs so good for fueling high speed work similer to pasta.
  6. I had a suspect pup not long ago, it is not common in lurchers but not unkown, get the xray and see. My vet was under instruction to put down if positive, it turned out to be something else in the end. Good luck S
  7. I'd go along with Optimus, road work is better than nothing, I'm lucky as i live near the beach so can always get them galloping. I run with them the mile to the beach then give them free running for a couple then a mile or two road work home. A human jog is around the same as a dog trot so when there've had a gallop they return to my side for some active rest and are always able to cool down in the surf, even in the winter the're take advantage of this. Lamping is better but needs must with the current weather.
  8. Well done on getting it back up, we need a face on the internet.
  9. Got it bad here, at the beginning of the season was maybe 10 rabbits in a field two weeks later lucky to find one, thankfully still have some ground that is not effected but as its only around twenty miles apart recon it's just a matter of time. When myxi started it kept populations down for a number of years so this may well do so as well. There are reports of quick immunity as it is thought that there may have been a similar virus at some point in the past so we can hope for fast resistant strains of rabbits to appears reasonable quickly.
  10. If can't separate. I've a bitch that will work a graze into an open wound if allowed to so I cover with a t shirt knotted at the waist, bit like a cow girl lol, stops her getting to chest, back upper legs for a few days, she prefers AC/DC tour ones.
  11. go to a vet Good advice, if there is a break it will need intervention, if not it will need rest, rehab and may never be right, there are many wristy dogs that perhaps would not be wristy if they had the proper intervention at the outsett.
  12. Good source of carbs, fat and protein. Add to add to meat as an alternative to biscuit, pasta etc or to reduce protein concentration on high protein completes.
  13. http://quackwatch.org/04ConsumerEducation/QA/magnet.html
  14. Both will bring increased heart size, greater red blood cell volume and as much speed as one could ever want so for me size rather than background would be the decider. Shame we can't go back a few years and get one of these.
  15. Nice bull cross. Hows the fawn pup bred? Bull/grey x collie/grey around twenty months in pic.
  16. At the end of the day there're all bunny huggers rather than realist but it's a program aimed at bunny huggers rather than us. I consider myself a naturalist/conservationist but in the context of a realisation of our role within the world rather than disengagement from the less furry site of life but a program based on management, harvesting etc would not get aired. PS that’s naturalist not naturist.
  17. It's not a bad idea to add a little extra as it gets colder and fat is high calorie so somthing fatty will add calories without to much bulk. Porridge is a sound part of the diet as oats contain good amounts of fat and protein plus carbs that are released over an extended period.
  18. You've gotta a good vet. Once out the supporting tissues will never be as good/strong so it will always be a weak point and something to watch for in the future. Good luck sandy.
  19. Thanks for the replies, it seems to be a mixture of 3 paces, towards a squatter, that have combined to make a clear night misty.
  20. It was done in error but I think it works.
  21. Kennel cough (tracheobronchitis). Kennel cough is a term used to describe a broad spectrum of infections of the upper airways of dogs much as a “common cold†is in humans. In the majority of cases in a healthy adult dog these easily caught and spread infections will settle in their own time. A warm bed, good food and rest are the best treatment with perhaps the addition of a simple linctus type cough medicine. Not every dog coming into contact with an infected animal will become symptomatic but infection risk is increased if an animal is stressed i.e. in boarding kennels etc in a simila
  22. Colitis is a term that covers a multiple of things and basically means inflammation of the bowel, blood and mucus are symptoms of this. Its usually caused by a simple infection and passes ok but occasionally may be a symptoms of something more serious. A small amount of breast of lamb will be a good start once things have settled; I’d avoid pet quality mince etc. Cooked veg /table scraps are also always good if tolerated. The more meat you give the lower the protein content of the complete but change brands/types gradually.
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