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Everything posted by sandymere

  1. Freeze for two weeks to kill worm cysts in the flesh.
  2. Did a few myself 20 years ago.
  3. Your father has some talent! Artist get better with age, I'm sure hickymicks sister has a bright future..
  4. Iv got a new lurcher that could do with a few pounds puttin on what would you guys suggest tripe or raw mince just wana pack abit on him before getting him fit thanks It’s all about calories in and calories out, if you feed more calories than the dog burns it will put weight on, Fat has around twice the calories pound for pound as protein or carbs so up the fat a little and get a big result. Increasing protein will only produce muscle to suit the work, ie eating two steaks a day won’t turn you into Mr. Universe but working out and eating a balanced diet might. So I’d add in a little
  5. Is there a lot of skinny dogs on here then?
  6. Pups should make very good lampers in the right hands.
  7. I’d wait till the autumn now; a few young squatters then will give it every chance of success and reduce the chance of opening up. A run at a few bunnies through the summer shouldn’t hurt but watch for yapping.
  8. Should do well. Bitch of similer breeding, fast and hard 23".
  9. Sounds a sensible plan, recon if the odd bit of rabbit or such like doesn’t result in pain afterwards then it will make the dog happy and that’s what it’s about. Sometimes it’s about quality of life and we can get lost in wanting to know a diagnosis when really it doesn’t make a deal of difference to the dog or the outcome. Pm if you want any more info regards.
  10. Most wild game, fur or feather other than wildfowl, should be relatively low in fat and cooking such as grilling will reduce it even more but I’d keep it for high days and holidays. I’d think about supplementing the fat soluble vitamins and perhaps trying some medium chain triglycerides such as “MCT oilâ€, though watch out for loose stools, as these don’t need lipase for absorption and act more like a carb. Increasing the carb portion in the form of pasta, oats etc is the main thing. The secondary symptoms are a little worrying “smells like she is in season/attracting males, brow
  11. I think your right to be adding extra protein and fat, perhaps a little more fat, and if she's knackered then rest for a couple of days, she's only young so will go for a good few years with a little care. In general I wouldn't work a dog every night as they like us need some rest days. Get another and alternate.
  12. I'd agree with the above, get a bit of variety, meat, fat either raw or cooked or both with some carbs in the form of oats, pasta etc or a complete with a bit of veg .
  13. Impossible to really say without more info, pics, exam etc, vet is best.
  14. This is one I did in 2009 that might be useful though don't discount epilepsy to quickly in this instance.. Carbohydrate in the Working Canine diet It’s pretty much accepted that different types of exercise and lifestyles require different feeding regimes i.e. a lap dog in a posh pad will need a markedly different diet to a sled dog during a long distance race. Most dogs will fall somewhere between these two extremes with working dogs, in particular, needing individual management of their diet to optimize performance. Canine athletes depend on fats as their main fuel source wh
  15. Epilepsy would be the first thought and if so it will likely happen again. Keep a close eye and if it does in the near future then medication is likely needed, some dogs have an inherited predisposition to having an epileptic fit others may develop a problem causing the fits though the 1st is most common. The only other cause could be a sudden drop in blood glucose so adding a carb source to the diet to help top up reserves and aid store replenishment.
  16. Bedlingto/whippet/gre, fast and hard 23".
  17. Sounds like you are giving a good mixture of protein, fat and carbs so shouldn’t go far wrong. As to starving I can see no real use to this as you just have to feed extra on the other 6 days which will overload a little more than needed and the starve day will empty the stores of energy in the muscles and liver which in turn will lower energy levels for a day or so afterwards. PS if you feed rice/biscuit etc you are not feeding BARF, you are giving a mixture of raw and cooked, what used to be called a balanced home made diet. BARF has no cooked or cereal, mind I recon what you are doing is
  18. never nice to lose a pup but thats a fecker. All the best s
  19. Basically if it’s burning more calories than it taking in then it will lose weight and visa versa so make sure no worms and increase the calorific intake. Fat has double the calories of carbs or protein so increase the fat content, you can as Moll suggests get some fatty meat or add extra in the form of lard, vegetable oils etc to the normal feed, not to much of the latter or it’ll get the sh*tes, a little of both is probable the best idea. The suggestion of feeding twice a day is also a good one as you can increase the intake slightly overall.
  20. Could be many things, an old graze healing even, but if they go on their own it’s a good sign. First thoughts if not going/spreading would be ring worm, then on to mange etc.
  21. It will probably always be nervy but time spent gently acclimatizing it to every day life should help and alone in a field with a rabbit in the beam should not be to much of a problem. It will depend on how bad it is but take your time and keep calm and gentle and see how it goes, once a little more settled and obedient then come next season that rabbit and beam should become a reality.
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