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Everything posted by ianm

  1. I have never seen a monte carlo stock on a sxs. Have you tried an AYA as these are certainly higher in the combe than English guns. There are also people who will steam and bend a stock so that it fits you.
  2. Be quiet at the back and pay attention! ?
  3. There you go! a man speaking from experience. Only problem is they have sold out.
  4. What is the problem with the PBIR Stav? You need to be careful buying more i/r's as some will white the wraith out. It would be handy if you knew someone with a few different ones that you can try before spending cash on something unsuitable.
  5. 55grn vmax in a 204? I don't think so! ?
  6. Good result David. It would be handy if you locate the cubs as well.
  7. "Feel the force young skywalker".
  8. I have been waiting for this for a while now, i thought i had backed a duffer.? Nice to hear when all goes according to plan. Three is a good job well done!
  9. Beat me to it. Anyhow have you killed owt with the new rifle or are you still in the gym twice a day building up the muscles some on here would have you believe are necessary to lift a varmint barrel.?
  10. He is using the caller to photograph the crows.?
  11. Foxpro, they have a better quality speaker than the isotecs.
  12. None of them are GOOD for squirrels, they tend to kill em! ?
  13. If there is anything i have learned from the world of n/v and watching other people is "buy once cry once". The number of lads i see constantly buying the next cheaper end of n/v hoping it will live up to the hype is staggering. They buy n/v scopes that are only suitable for rimfire ranges and try to stretch them out with stronger i/rs or changing the lenses etc only to be disappointed again. When they have bought two or three of these scopes they could of bought something proper in the first place.
  14. There are fields, then there are FIELDS.?
  15. A Drone pro x 10 sat in a Kevgun mount and a solaris srx laser. On my spare 204 i have an ATN Trident 5 x tubed scope with either the srx or dragonfly.
  16. My mate uses a solaris srx in conjunction with his 008 on a 204 and has had some decent range kills with it.
  17. I tried an Atlas and didn't like it at all.
  18. The problem with your choices are they aren't manufactured for what we do. They are low mag (base) and when you increase it digitally, clarity is lost due to pixalation. They are also i/r fussy, easily whiting out. They have very sensitive sensors to enable them to be used with very low amounts of i/r so as not to spook their intended quarry which is boar or hogs as they are also called. A better choice i think would be a pard 008. Scopes of any sort are a really personal thing and what suits one won't necessarily suit someone else. A lot also depends on what type of shooting you intend
  19. Thumbnail size groups eh! Very good , depending on the size of your thumbs though.?
  20. Yes it is. I have used their 58grn stuff in my 243s before i reloaded but it is very expensive.
  21. Just something to check on. I know Hornady ammo is consistent no matter what the weather is. Whether it is minus 20c or plus 35c it works the same. Federal and s&b may not be as consistent, i don't know because i haven't used them.
  22. If you have just renewed why didn't you take a stand ? Why didn't you refuse to supply a tick box medical certificate? Could it be perhaps because you want someone else to do it? Anyone just not you? If you are not prepared to do it yourself or take the shooting organisation you ARE in to task, then you need to wind your neck in!
  23. I am not particularly a fan of BASC but you cannot blame them in this instance. If you feel so strongly about it, i will tell you what i will do. Seeing as you aren't a member let me know when you are six months from renewal and i will pay the subs for you. Then you can let BASC take up a legal challenge for you.
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