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Everything posted by ianm

  1. Good going Stav, it's always good when you travel a long way and are successful. Good for both the guest and host.
  2. Do you intend to dial the scope or are you looking to point and shoot?
  3. 300 yds at night is a long way, 300 yds in daylight not so much. Which are you going to do most of?
  4. So nothing to do with the fact you couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo then!?
  5. "Kin ell" that caller looks like it should be blasting out Bob Marley or something at Maccy Ds carpark.?
  6. I have the very same one, brilliant bit of kit.
  7. The local gunshop ordered them in for him. Will it swing a deal if you get free snares with them??
  8. It's already here. A bloke i know that shoots a lot of deer has Leica range finding binoculars and a Leica scope on a 6.5 x 55 rifle. He spots the deer and presses a button on his bins, it ranges the deer and passes the info to his scope which adjusts the p.o.a. All he has to do is take the shot, job done.
  9. I miss lamping with a dog. I will NEVER forget what Blair and new labour did.?
  10. I would much rather kill foxes by shooting them than snares. Strangling predators is bad form old chap.? Although i have used them in certain situations i must admit. I had a fox job in town a couple of years ago. The fox had attacked and tried to kill a yorkie terrier in daylight on the peoples back lawn. The first vets bill was fifteen hundred and i don't know how much the subsequent ones where. All the houses down this particular road are huge with a back garden that is only about 25yds long but it then drops off into a very steep wood. All the properties own a section of this wo
  11. No the bag was very poor, they are leaving it alone till next year now.
  12. Well yesterday i spent the day on the grouse moor with my eleven year old grandson. The keeper had told me a couple of days before that he was a bit short on beaters, so i said i would bring my grandson. When i asked if he wanted to go he jumped at the chance. I didn't tell him what it involved. He did really well, beating every drive on rough ground. When we finished, we all met up back at the farmhouse from where we had set off. Cups of tea and fruit juices where the order of the day and the keeper went round paying people. I hadn't mentioned to my grandson that you got paid for it to see if
  13. Those IBCs are a ball ache, we are extremely fortunate that our woods and pens are supplied via underground pipes from the mains. A few years ago i fitted automatic drinkers everywhere, watering the birds is no bother now.
  14. It's "SONNY Jim" you buffoon! Standards man, STANDARDS! ?
  15. How can you over kill something? You can only kill something!? Buffoonery at its finest!?
  16. I know you was.? I think it would be more humane to run a fox over with the motor than shoot it with a hmr.?
  17. There is nothing trusty about the chavs calibre. At all.? HMR is nowt but a rabbit gun. I wouldn't even mention fox and that hateful little gun in the same sentence.?
  18. I don't know anyone who uses 6.5 creedmore for fox and i certainly wouldn't. Since most fox shooting in the uk is done at night i cannot see what those big heavy loopy bullets would bring to the party. When night shooting of foxes with n/v or thermal is the order of the day, flat shooting is king. When i say flat shooting i am talking .204, 22.250, 243 using 55grn bullets.
  19. No the weather hasn't been brilliant this week so i haven't even zeroed it properly. I am out later with the 204 to try to catch up with a fox that sometimes turns up and sometimes doesn't.?
  20. It gets worse with every word you utter! You have actually paid to be tortured by them!?
  21. Everyone misses now and then, and those that don't are either liars or haven't shot at many foxes. I presume a bogpod is some sort of tripod for shooting off. It is relatively easy to miss off sticks as you aren't as stable as off a vehicle for example. You should of cycled another round and shot it at 280yds, the rifle is more than capable of that.?
  22. Hateful little rifles! Any zeroing should involve a skip.? Two of them? I hadn't realised you where so hard of thinking. As they say Daarn saarf "you facking mug". ?
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