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Everything posted by MH1

  1. Well if you need to lamp some kids he sounds ideal
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7642567/Breeder-loses-bid-overturn-five-year-ban-keeping-dogs.html?adobe_mc=TS%3D1572723099|MCAID%3D2E9BC80C05311ED5-4000010F401DE69A
  3. Fair enough mate, I probably am worrying about nothing. Vet looked at his teeth and no problems and gets wormed regularly. You're right mate because if I put my plate on the floor the fcker would probably clear it?
  4. House got flattened after didn't it? Shame it wasn't with him in it
  5. 100% agree, if he's been in a situation where I know he's been stressed it's a nightmare to get him to do anything. Thanks for the other points, I'll try and get him to take more food when we're out mooching about
  6. Good points, cheers, physically he's fine so maybe just doesn't have a big appetite
  7. I saw "Mini Bull X" on there before. French bulldog x Italian greyhound ?. Wasn't cheap
  8. Was just a days worth mate, he's not getting over fed at all.
  9. Went through a stage where he would only eat out of my hand if we were playing tug/flirt pole, if we weren't playing that he wasn't interested lol. I've tried when we were out and about but he'd sniff it then turn his head away. He's a strange one, seems like the more I do to get him on board the more he resists and the less I do the more he wants to be part of the team, so to speak.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-7623239/Nigel-Benn-cancels-comeback-fight-against-Sakio-Bika-shoulder-injury.html?adobe_mc=TS%3D1572299954|MCAID%3D2E9BC80C05311ED5-4000010F401DE69A
  11. Best thing I've seen on BBC for a while. Good set up that bloke had in his back garden lol
  12. MH1


    https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-news-live-brexit-general-election-corbyn-eu-extension-when-december-a9170461.html I won't hold my breath
  13. MH1


    100% agree about exercise. The feel good effect after a good weights session or hard run is massively underrated
  14. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7610983/African-children-Belfast-travelled-Northern-Ireland-shipping-container.html?adobe_mc=TS%3D1571953513|MCAID%3D2E9BC80C05311ED5-4000010F401DE69A
  15. Must be hundreds slipping through all time in all the various ports
  16. Don't rule yourself out just yet ?
  17. MH1


    Is there any chance we can still leave on the 31st?
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7566515/Extinction-Rebellion-files-reveal-climate-zealots-paid-400-week.html
  19. MH1


    My mrs is a teacher and it comes down from council etc what they are/aren't allowed to do. If they do get shouted at etc then you get the parents coming in kicking off asking why. The parents are worse behaved than the kids most of the time so the kids don't have a good role model to learn from.
  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7581413/Massive-panther-mauled-dog-woods-claims-mother.html
  21. Yeah that's fair enough but I still wouldn't trust them to decide someone's life or death fate
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