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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. What Russia the only country in the world that can survive alone and needs nothing from anyone will be beaten within a year, did you advise tony Blair that Iraq would be all his within 6 weeks and the people would welcome the west with open arms I think the delusion lies a little closer to home
  2. Think you became clandestine with rage mate and started stuttering ?
  3. Salmon,prawns,coleslaw and new potato’s with garlic and spring onion butter
  4. Thought he was robbed to be honest mate
  5. Long tailed tit I returned to the mother and first brood of ducklings to survive this year
  6. Bream are spawning here at the moment some nice carp nipping in to feed on it saw a nice mirror this morning around 30lb
  7. The lad that threatened to whistle blow had been groomed from the age of 12 by schofeild and is still being paid vast sums of money to remain silent, the lid is about to blow mate
  8. Just been out for a little wander with the misses and on my way back in found this little chap under a car picked it up and listened out for a parent bird, finally heard some distant calling so went and put him on the hedge nearby, happy to report mother was in attendance soon after, well chuffed
  9. Getting a bit sad again really, you have never sent any address or other details in fact you have done everything to hide behind your avatar maybe stick the posts up we’re you were giving out your details because I must have missed them, your a fat out of shape oap trying to look like your up for a ruck it’s really pathetic mate, I will hopefully be at the fishing match this year all on my lonesome so if your that desperate to make a proper prick of yourself just pop along and show everyone what a man you are even get a little sweep stake going to raise a few pounds for charity if your feelin
  10. I find you very interesting I really do, just a few pages ago you asked some questions which I replied to as best I could I then asked you some questions in response that I thought were pertinent, which you totally ignored and disappeared only to pop back a few pages later and continue with your strange agenda of trying to constantly undermine the people involved, just like I would expect of someone working to a plan, Your not actually interested in anything about the subject other than to discredit certain people you dont know and have never met, almost like some kind of paid influencer and a
  11. To be honest mate couldn’t say one way or another as the film was made over several years, most of what I done was just me and the film makers think I spent one day on the quantocks with a group of people but that’s it and I think the footage has been edited into several different films etc
  12. It’s not me but to a small town idiot like Tim he thinks if he can identify me it will give him some kind of upper hand so he will just keep clutching at anyone with the name paul until he strikes gold, it’s quite sad and a little bit strange really, being so obsessed with someone you just can’t leave them alone yet being to afraid to actually go and meet them when you were so keen, it’s a bit like a little boy with a crush that keeps kicking the girl he likes for attention
  13. I know it’s so frustrating ??
  14. Yes I saw that On lock stock and two smoking barrels as well lad called Errol if I remember right ???
  15. I,ve been saying for years that once his economic value goes he will be thrown under the bus as the next big kiddie fiddler they never new anything about, act one distance yourself from said nonce next let the victims speak out
  16. Come on fight fans it’s here, I think Haney will be tested like never before and possibly exposed, looked a little lost when he fought linares to me but he has youth and size on his side shame I,m off out tonight but looking forward to watching in the morning
  17. It can if you scroll down there’s a girl in a dissolving bikini next ?
  18. Looking like the curse of the mods, first nicepix few weeks in power never to be seen again now ken, unless tomo has had enough of his Victorian working conditions and rebelled against Ken’s 26 hr working day and taken him hostage, who knows hope alls good ?
  19. We’re have you put the real voon, this can’t be the same idiot from the covid thread surely
  20. Bless you Timothy still chomping at the bit to show your relevance, you’ve been quiet for a few weeks now but it’s obviously more than you can bare, so let’s get it all off your chest yes I have a funny West Country accent whoopie you could have found out all these things and seen the things you constantly ask for if you actually came and met me instead of just saying it to look brave then spending weeks embarrassing yourself and ruining threads to back peddle, so I,ll leave you once again to turn things to shit in a vane attempt to show anyone watching that you really are kiddie now I have t
  21. Some of us just talk bollox and hope no one notices to try and be relevant and some of us actually do what we say, you can also watch me on amazon prime I believe though I think you have to pay for the privilege I,m also available on several bbc platforms in one form or another for those that are interested,
  22. Sat out with the cobb last night kids grand kids and dogs very enjoyable
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