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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Last nights fare quiche, chips and a nice little side salad with grated cheese Italian seasoning and a drizzle of olive oil over it
  2. If he was my neighbour I’d burn it down myself I,m afraid the last thing I’d want is somewhere for home to return to close by ?
  3. So it’s your brothers fault he turned out the way he did ??
  4. Is that Sandra or sandy mate ?
  5. Finally a nice warm day with no northerly winds to cool things down 35 on the roof this morning
  6. Couple of years to late but still promises to be a cracking fight, think size and age give Haney the advantage but Lomas technical ability is still worth a watch a could still cause an upset
  7. Some nice old poached eggs on toast garlic mushrooms and a sprinkling of grated cheese over the top
  8. I genuinely am interested in what you think it is, we can address sandys comment first, when I go through an SD card I will go through several thousand shots for maybe one or two of those and in almost every case a dog is very recognisable usually by the fact that a person will appear in one of the following pictures also some of these cameras are out for years and you get familiar with the people and animals that pass by have watched loads of animals from birth to adulthood so I would dismiss a dog on those grounds, obviously scaling and sizing the animal are the next most important steps but
  9. So if it’s not a fake, what would you say that is in that photo, because to me I don’t think smoking a joint, drinking a gallon or dropping some tabs will change what’s in the picture, so what would you conclude that animal is walking up that gulley Mac ?? Genuine question
  10. Yes just checked pics taken in Fife, there are checks going on but so far seem kosha funny there’s probably 500 miles between the picture of my dog yet the landscape is very much the same, clue
  11. You need to speak with gnash on this subject mate sure he,ll be along shortly ?
  12. I will find out as that looks very much like the same gulley that has produced a few more pictures over the years, I was there recently with the dog taking a few comparison pics but I don’t recognise those ones
  13. Greyman


    Yes that professor Stephen Hawkins what an idiot, your probably better off waiting for the government to tell you it’s safe before risking making your own mind up, like the vaccine ?????
  14. Sounds like someone’s knobbed a lady boy ?
  15. What a typical leftie paper, it’s nothing to do with young kids being misdirected by there liberal parents to explore these avenues then growing up confused and mentally ill it’s the fault of the nasty phobics for calling them names ffs what a total crank you really are, in years gone by when common sense morals and values mattered these parents would be arrested for child cruelty and the children put in care for there own safety, the loonativs really are taking over the asylum
  16. Gotta be honest I would still be uming and ahing if it started at a fiver
  17. That Dior Gillette looks like an immersion heater with arms ffs
  18. Take arry s advice mate and call your doc, it could be something completely unrelated but better to know now than later ATB
  19. But it was the Tory,s fault ?
  20. I respect Sandy for the career path he chose,simple as that really.,,, He chose bricklaying but after laddering his tights and chipping a nail he quit for a job in the warm were you can get paid when you feel a bit down, just to put a different perspective on things ?
  21. I came out this morning and one of my neighbours a lady that ran a well known hells angel pub for 30 years and is not known for small talk and pleasantry calls over hey paul I have a bone to pick with you, me thinking oh shit what have I done now reply’s what’s the problem xxxx to which she says this f***ing app you showed me I,m addicted to it can’t go anywhere with out sticking my phone out to see what’s about, made me chuckle ?
  22. Do you have areas of vast Reed beds any were near you, I used to have a fishing lake in Somerset in the 90s and had bitterns every year though they were seldom seen and never showed up on any of the bird spotting sites back then they were a real rarity used to hear them occasionally making the booming noise on an evening but if they are stood in the reeds they are pretty invisible ?
  23. My daughter is a vice principle in a secondary school and we have to avoid certain discussions for the sake of peace as there are lots of things we will never agree on even though she is probably more right leaning than most of her colleagues ?
  24. These kids are the offspring of the fecked up world your hero sandymere wants to create if as a parent you don’t have the time to invest in your offspring they will be directed down this road by the very system that’s meant to protect them, the left is like a creeping cancer and has moved fully into the education system to train the next generation to become raving faggots or embrace the ideology, same peoples kids were self harming for attention yesterday now they are changing there sex it’s all just a cry for attention from mummy and daddy who are to busy wearing socks and crocks hugging tre
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