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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Few pics off the trail cams including some dodgy badger sniffers ?
  2. Got a black animal on one of the cams yesterday unfortunately as is always the case there was a lot of leaf litter on the floor and a branch covering the middle part of the body, so I will be back up there later with my dog that’s 24”” to get photos in the same spot it’s quite easy, it’s quite funny how everyone screams for a clear picture but this highlights that even that won’t be believed once you’ve set your stool in one camp or the other I have deleted clearer pictures than that because they never gave anything else with them it was also me that done reverse image search’s on the Yorkshir
  3. Interesting little thought but it also draws in a lot of hares and I was wondering if it has some form of health benefit like keeping worms down in the gut or something
  4. Swapped 6 SD cards yesterday just put the first one in to look through 909 pics of muntjac,roe,squirrels and a surprising amount of hares
  5. The bloke you refer to is called Danny nineham and is a pure bullshitter that tried to make a living from it the young lad in wales that was meant to have had his face clawed by one and was all over the news some years ago is coincidentally his nephew, the chap I was out with yesterday has spent his life in Africa tracking and seemed pretty convinced that we are past the point of if they are here or not and seemed pretty happy to get involved ?
  6. Not really as sinister as it sounds mate her house is one of these but there land extends to the edge of the motorway, so I never saw them and they never saw me just happened they had some good wildlife in there as it was totally unused and there are some great wildlife corridors alongside the motorways of England,
  7. I also had some in a nudist camp about a mile along the ridge always had to keep very alert sneaking in and out of there to change battery,s and cards would have taken some serious explaining if I got grabbed taking cameras in and out ??
  8. I had some trail cams up in carol vordamans back garden for a year or so if that counts, she was totally unaware, her house was on the edge looking out over a valley and I used to climb up the steep sides to put the cameras in the unkept acres they all had along the bottoms of there gardens was a great wildlife corridor, got some nice bits up there including a black fox ?
  9. All I can say to that is wow mate really , it’s easier to just accept you don’t believe in it full stop rather than reverting to the merry go round of silly questions to try and prove someone you don’t no is a liar any how nice to see you’ve missed me dogs need a wander ?
  10. I think some of you have already polarised your opinions and nothing is going to change that you are basically accusing anyone involved of lying really, THE WOMAN DIPPED HALF THE FLOCK AND LOST ZERO SHEEP FROM THAT HALF, that would indicate the dip did stop the cats wouldn’t it, ?
  11. But that is simply what you believe we do actually go out and collect data and in the uk it is a very clear pattern that most of the sheep believed to be predated by.cats are undipped, I don’t no you or need to impress you so out of curiosity why do you think I would bother wasting my time by lying it’s an observation from years of collecting reports and speaking with farmers ?
  12. Was a real eye opener mate I,ve met a few but this guy was definitely the real deal learned quite a bit but was just impressive watching him read the land even with dog or deer tracks he could tell how old they were and show the effects of time and weather on the prints we followed some munti tracks for a while even showed when it had stopped to drink from a tiny puddle he could identify which foot was which and the rough height of the animal by the size of its stride etc was like a good day at school mate ?
  13. Several years ago the group was contacted by a lady land owner in Scotland that was loosing one or two sheep a week her staff must have all been mad as they all claimed to have seen a black cat on here land we had cameras out etc and got her to dip half the flock and from then on she only lost from the half that were un dipped, this has came from the sheep reports that do happen as we always ask if they were dipped or not and very rarely are they dipped it’s just about data and building a picture There is no need for these animals to really be hungry here is there mac, I think what yo
  14. Is that based on there choice of aftershave or there opinions of our new hobby Bobby ??
  15. These idiots as you call them give me access to people like the tracker from Africa I,m meeting later, university facility’s, tutors and also supply me with a lot of my cameras in return I provide them with pictures and samples of things I find, none of us would succeed on our own but as a collective there is a chance we can get it over the line, I don’t condemn anyone as an idiot unless they prove to me that they are and there have been a few I,ve met that I dropped like hot potato after one meeting but in general everyone wants the same end goal, definitely have to go now ?
  16. Also covered mate in England there is nothing to steal there prey and there is enough here to catch a fresh one every day so why go to the effort of climbing trees or burying food you have no need to return to, ive seen a few deer covered and a few up trees but in general it’s not that common usually all the good bits consumed and left ??anyways got to get going over and out ?
  17. If anyone is genuinely interested the bloke is doing a podcast in a couple of weeks time as well I,ll let you know when it’s up ?
  18. after 700 pages on the topic that is not what is said, again looking To just undermine things instead of seeking truth and answers sheep are not a preference and dipped sheep even less so but don’t think anyone has ever claimed nor would they that sheep don’t get taken,all these pics have been used before so your statement is totally false anyways I’m off out for the afternoon with a guy from Africa that teaches tracking of the big 5 think there is more to be learned out there doing it for real have a good afternoon
  19. Keeping up with the Kardashian’s ?
  20. I still think domestic personally, tail not quite right and certainly don’t look big enough to bring down a deer but as keep digging says be easy to scale the size if the location is known ?
  21. Bit of yellow on the stairs just because had it spare but yes mate Maggie walls and wooden floors got a viewing this afternoon so hopefully it will go but got to start making some shilling from it while it’s just sat empty so weekend rentals on air bnb and viewings midweek just finishing off the train station opposite in the park and ride which should add value as it’s a tenner a day to drive into Bristol now but I have a bus every 15 mins and train every 30 that will take you anywhere and back for less than a fiver ?
  22. Boy done an overnighted after work last night had 5 but only took a pic of this one 25lb common ??
  23. It’s just a lottery like everything else in life, if you don’t want your arse tickled don’t play with feathers, and if your driving just have a boiled sweet onboard to combat the mouth swab, ??
  24. Last week or so been finishing of the decorating in my own home it’s up for sale at the minute but will start air bnb on the weekends if it’s not gone by the end of may and started stripping out the inside of a flooded boat ready to paint and refit
  25. Spiced king prawn pasta with a ton of grated cheddar and Parmesan cheese on top for me yesterday
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