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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Kids took the misses here yesterday for lunch Williams in nailsworth on the Cotswolds near Stroud pretty good for an inland sea food place got a bit messy when I picked them up and stopped for a pint on the way back but a great day had by all ?
  2. Used to get 50p a tail back in the 80s off the fly tiers, would send off bags of them each year now no one wants them, had a little food stool on a trendy market as well that bought squirrels for food but in the end the amount of paperwork they wanted made it a total waste of time ?
  3. Well he should know he got slapped around by him for 10 rounds ?
  4. May also be a modern boat towed by a horse as opposed to a original horse drawn boat ??
  5. That’s the one I was watching, the aquaduct is on most boaters tick list but as it’s a dead end canal can get a bit busy up there in the warmer months ?
  6. Not sure mate just remember watching a tv program some time ago and it was on there ?
  7. Is the horse drawn trip boat still going up at the top end, if it is it’s the last working horse drawn boat in the uk, I’d like to do the Llangollen one day but my current boat is to fat to fit ??
  8. Surprisingly it only went down about 6” and the rest of the flu was pretty clean, less than half a bucket of soot, bonus tallship sailing by as I was doing it never look like they should be on an inland water
  9. After another winter it’s time to start a bit of spring cleaning on the good ship lollipop starting with my most essential bit of kit the wood burner that has been running non stop since October,today it’s warm enough that I don’t need it going for a few hours so have just stripped it down and removed the chimney, not surprising it’s been getting a bit hard to light lately ?
  10. Lap it up boys be proud ??
  11. All that garlic and frogs legs, terrible
  12. The only misunderstanding was her saying no and him thinking yes, don’t really matter race religion etc once you touch a woman or child it should be lights out in truth ?
  13. During the course of the big cat thread I have had a lad pm asking if I’d ever heard of wolf sightings in the uk as he had been out at night and heard a call and a while later found a large catch alive trap in the same wood, I believe there also was an off duty copper that claimed to have seen a wolf in the F,O,D a few years ago he owned a malamute dog so had a good idea he wasn’t looking at a dog and third and final one was someone playing a call recons he had a response also in the FOD but I couldn’t call it one way or another myself as I have never personally had an encounter of any kind ??
  14. My finger been like this since I trapped it between my truck and a Bigfoot jack in 2017 she’d probably have me put to sleep ??
  15. The really mental thing in all this and thank feck I,ll be long gone by then but in 50 years time when sandy and his ilks dream comes true and his daughters and grand daughters are walking round with there faces covered by a burka and if they happen to get raped would be stoned for it because the lovely refugees he welcomed here, I wonder if they,ll think he was a hero for his stance as another lgbtq faggot comes flying off a roof top because grand dad thought multi cultism actually worked, another massive irony is those he welcomes despise everything about him and probably have more in commo
  16. Oh the irony, most people actually agree with keepdigging and are laughing at you and not with you, you don’t reply to posts because you as a person have nothing of your own to add hence the constant hiding behind stupid memes, it’s what kids at school do
  17. Shame nicepix was harassed away as he had some good info on them having travelled as far as France if my memory serves me right think a solitary animal like a lynx is far safer to release than an animal that runs in an ever growing pack which as it gets bigger looses more fear ?
  18. It’s ok for you, you can fly I live in a boat and am pissed right off with radioactive tsunamis there ruining my blacking ?
  19. My tip would be don’t gamble read something the other day the average spend of a visitor to the races at Cheltenham is £690
  20. As you know I believe there are lynx living wild in Britain already, but I was really hoping it would get the go ahead purely as they would have been tracked with collars allowing constant monitoring much like the mountain lion in the states so we would have been able to see if any paired up with a partner not from the release but I think it was apparent to anyone in the know early on the guy running the project was never going to make headway as he just had a habit of pissing off every one involved ?
  21. Greyman


    FairPlay Kanny they are fantastic a long way moved from wrapping a bit of net curtain around a bit of balsa and spraying with an aerosol ??
  22. Smoke and mirrors that’s all it is all they want is new house sales and new car sales but with an ageing decreasing population of native whites we ain’t the clients they need so they are just rolling in millions more customers to buy the millions of new homes popping out of every corn field in every quiet corner of the land ?
  23. Not really my field, but it seems we were in a better state when the sewage was loaded onto the glen avon and dumped at sea now it’s just travelling down miles of rivers wiping them out and eventually ending up in the same place ?
  24. Take good care of her mate hope all works out for you ?
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