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Brits sentenced to death....

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I don’t think there stupid for standing up against tyranny, going to fight for freedom to help people who can’t defend them selfs isn’t stupid , it’s courageous, most of us would do the same if they attacked our country ,some people jus5 don’t need it to be there country there attacking before they feel the need to do something  about it 

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Married a Ukrainian and served in their armed forces for 4 years. Not really playing stupid games. Plenty of Ukrainian men hiding in the UK....could say this man is doing the UK proud by his actions..

My point exactly, hence the false price increases coming in on a weekly basis while those in charge make all the right noises they are trying to help the man in the street but doing zero, we are like

I think the fuel prices will keep going until we are all driving an electric car, oil is low everyone is making noise but no one is doing anything as it’s all part of directing the masses into making

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5 hours ago, riohog said:

why the fk did they go there , ?looking at those pictures  they dont look the smartest. my guess the nearest they were ever near to a rifle was probebly a fkn air rifle  .they took the risk and will pay the price  , this aint no vidio game  this id real!!

a day paintballing made me realise it’s hard work not getting hit never mind for real ? ? 


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1 hour ago, Elchapo said:

I don’t think there stupid for standing up against tyranny, going to fight for freedom to help people who can’t defend them selfs isn’t stupid , it’s courageous, most of us would do the same if they attacked our country ,some people jus5 don’t need it to be there country there attacking before they feel the need to do something  about it 

that’s what russia are doing mate standing up to tyranny ? 

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41 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

that’s what russia are doing mate standing up to tyranny ? 

I’m sure the poor sods on the receiving end of of the bombing are nodding in agreement ..?

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12 minutes ago, sussex said:

I’m sure the poor sods on the receiving end of of the bombing are nodding in agreement ..?

your country starts a war chances are your going to get bombed mate 

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23 minutes ago, sussex said:

I thought the russkies started it ..didn’t they invade Crimea and Donbas regions in 2014 ..? 

No. They 'liberated' it. The area had some pro Russian support and they used that to justify 'liberating' it from oppression. Strangely they don't regard the anti Russian support in other regions as being valid. 

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They should never have went to fight a war that as nothing to do with them and this is what happens when you classed as a mercenary, they saying all the brave men of Ukrainian are fighting for there home land, well I see few thousand on TV other night at a football game in uk so they mist have took time out for the night to watch it ? 

The west beleave when they go to war they have the god ridden right todo so but if the east do it they criminals, 

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13 hours ago, Greyman said:

I think the fuel prices will keep going until we are all driving an electric car, oil is low everyone is making noise but no one is doing anything as it’s all part of directing the masses into making a subconscious decision, ??

Folks won't buy electric when petrol and diesel are affordable.

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As with most things, there are different views and opinions and we never seem to get the full, unbiased story.

From what I see, one of them has dual nationality, UK and Ukraine , and holds both passports, is married to a Ukrainian woman, has a home there and lives there. He's been in the regular Ukrainian army for for years.

That doesn't seem to fit the description of "mercenary".

There doesn't seem to be a lot of information coming out about the other lad, other than he served four years in the British army.

They'll undoubtedly be used for political and propaganda purposes.


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1 hour ago, Nicepix said:

No. They 'liberated' it. The area had some pro Russian support and they used that to justify 'liberating' it from oppression. Strangely they don't regard the anti Russian support in other regions as being valid. 

Oh liberation ...that old chestnut ?

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