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Beginners Running Dog

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Just after reading the lad from Kents post, what's everyone's view on a beginners running dog. Bit of an all rounder. I'd say a begginer wouldn't go far wrong with a whippet or a whippet based lurcher. Atb

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good old lurcher to lurcher bred. Get it as a pup and rear it like a gundog. Live in each others shadows.

I think a lot of the bad press for saluki types originally comes from the fact that in the early days they were used exclusively by the coursing lads that only needed a point and slip dog and obedienc

I've not seen any real difference in my desert bred dogs either Socks,obviously one is still young so has his daft moments but the other is like an old sheep,docile & laid back..no its not as shar

Thing is what I found is that I soon found out I needed something alittle bit bigger.I was hoping for something 23/tts for my first but with that bit of whip blood I ended up with alot smaller.the chance you take with whippet in a lurcher I serpose.no complaints here though I wouldn't change her..but she's never gonna be a all-rounder at that size.

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Something with a little whippet in maybe beddy whippet or a whippet/grey,I went straight in for a bullx after being out an watching few my pals dogs they had Saluki x's an collie grey x's only reason being I went for the bullx was I've always liked the bull breeds an with what I do it suits me to a T.

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Something laid back and not highly strung. Whatever x you just gotta make sure you got lots of time n your consistent in training.

Too much collie in a dog can play you, too much terrier blood can end up stubborn and saluki types can be a pain as well.

f**k the lurchers where's my lap dog...

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Something laid back and not highly strung. Whatever x you just gotta make sure you got lots of time n your consistent in training.

Too much collie in a dog can play you, too much terrier blood can end up stubborn and saluki types can be a pain as well.

f**k the lurchers where's my lap dog...

true, 1/4 collie x 3/4 grey, nice easy lurcher to work and live with :thumbs:

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You can't just say that a certain type or cross will be best, because EVERYTHING depends on the individual's temperament and nature. This is where so many people go wrong. They assume that just because they've seen a certain dog of a certain breeding, that all the others similarly bred will be the same, whereas in reality each dog is an individual and unique. Yes, there are certain traits you can say that particular types and breeds possess, but the individual nature of each pup should be assessed when you go to look at a litter.

For example, if I was advising someone who was looking for their first lurcher, I'd say go for the middle of the road pup. Not the most forward, and not the most timid. Even if the litter have been properly reared and socialised there will be differences in temperament, intelligence and natural leanings. Some pups will be naturally more sociable, whilst others will be more withdrawn and prefer their own company. Some pups will be bold, others more excitable. This is why it is a good idea to take someone truly experienced when you go to look at a litter, and be guided by their knowledge, rather than just going along alone and picking a pup because it comes bounding towards you.

This applies across the board, to all breeds and types.

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Something laid back and not highly strung. Whatever x you just gotta make sure you got lots of time n your consistent in training.

Too much collie in a dog can play you, too much terrier blood can end up stubborn and saluki types can be a pain as well.

f**k the lurchers where's my lap dog...

true, 1/4 collie x 3/4 grey, nice easy lurcher to work and live with :thumbs:
I wouldn't say 1/4 collie as first dog I know joe had one on here and was a real handful !
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