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Wondered what you gents pet hates were when it comes to a dig or having a mooch with the tykes. For me the people who always want to dig your permo, but who never return the invite really grind my gears. Or they do, and then cancel at the last minute. Also find it frustrating when people want to start digging as soon as the dog stops moving, and don't give it time to settle, resulting in lots of half dug holes

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Pet hates ??? That's a hard one,     Barbed wire, Electric fencing, Sand, Hard ground, Midges, Anti's, Terriers who come out to see how the diggings going, Terriers who let you know they've

Many years ago pre-ban pre-locator myself and 2 mates were out diging on a sunday morn.1 of my mates had been on the guiness the previous night and it was going through him like caster oil through a c

Yappy whining dogs that are pegged out on a dig. I can't stand it. Especially when out with someone new and its there dog but they don't seem to hear the f***ing thing yapping!

Yappy whining dogs that are pegged out on a dig. I can't stand it. Especially when out with someone new and its there dog but they don't seem to hear the f***ing thing yapping!

Totaly mate and wouldn't have it from any of mine so feck putting up with it from others mutts.. :thumbs:

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The two faced backstabing b*****ds who carry stories to stir shit for their own gains without thinkn of the consequnces afterwards they use people to get what they need then f**k back diging with the very boys they cut down in the first place the men that cudn offer ye jack shit till ye came this yard and see where the suply and flow of working dogs was cuming from then get what ye need and then f**k back to your little bum chums we have it now. That rant is meant for the snakey little c**ts in south kilkenny ye know who ye are pricks.

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I think neil just about covered everything lol..one of mine happened at back end of last season.. I had an invite for a weekend digging and a stop over at good mate's house...500 mile round trip setting off tea time Friday after work. .anyway id arranged to take 2 lads local to me to help out with fuel and a bit of company for the journey..heavy rain was forecast an strong winds. .both lads rang me late and said they couldn't make it! Tossers ..lesson learnt..never been out with them since..

Edited by s.e.s.k.u
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