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I had a dream once where I was at my mum's house which was in the middle of the woods and she had killed someone and rolled them up in the carpet. Both of us heaved it to the top of a wooden hill and threw him down the hill. As he hit the bottom he came out of the carpet and he had his forearm cut off. I woke up bolt upright sweating and freaking out. My girlfriend woke up with me and was asking what was wrong. I looked down at my midriff and seen a dead forearm sitting there. I grabbed it and tried to throw it across the room.


Turned out it was my forearn and I had slept on it and it was dead numb so it didn't go far lol. I felt sorry for my girlfriend because I was a gibbering wreck for a bit. I f***ing hate dreams

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I gave up all my dreams when I got married...

I always have lots of dreams & usually remember quite a bit the next day..........my wife claims she doesn't? The best & most vivid dreams I've had were on 24mg nicorette patches, fcuking gre

I dreamt I was eating a giant marshmallow one night ... When I woke up I couldn't find my pillow .......

The running dream where you need to get away fast or catch someone but your legs will only go at walking pace. Or the punching someone and it's like your arms won't move fast enough...


I used to ride a lot of sports bikes and was quite fast on the a roads, but was never any good at wheelieing, I've had the dream where I can wheelie like a champ a few times lol....

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Nowt wrong with that mate, needs must! What other side effects do you get from the Tramadol?



I have messed up dreams, some I can remember in the morning but then they fade away and I can't remember but some stick in my mind forever. Dreams aside mate, nothing wrong with a couple of Tramadol , partial to a few of them occasionally but taking em for 35 years! That's bound to have an impact on the old noggin


spot on mate, I think its the tabs , as ive know few people on the same tabs , have mad nightmares, and over 30 odd years prob fecked me mind and gut up I reckon :yes: . but its either take them or have bad back pain, and I lead a fairly active life doing lots of things, which suppose I wouldn't if I was in pain 24/7 , so it taking tabs, and have strange dreams lol.

well if just tramadol they make me feel sick 24/7, so been on these tramerset as said on post , which is 1/2 t and 1/2 p , they easier on my guts . there compared to a tramadol 1/2 as strong for pain relief , but rather hsave that than feeling sick all the while , but both tabs will feck your mind up in time :yes:
i normally have 5 minutes nausea then I'm fine sometimes get hot flushes but nothing bad ...They have a bit of a speed effect on me I can get a good days work done on the trams :laugh:


Haha same here, I'm like the old woman off that film 'Requim for a Dream' when I have had a couple of Tramadol, I start cleaning the house like a mad man!

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I had a dream once where I was at my mum's house which was in the middle of the woods and she had killed someone and rolled them up in the carpet. Both of us heaved it to the top of a wooden hill and threw him down the hill. As he hit the bottom he came out of the carpet and he had his forearm cut off. I woke up bolt upright sweating and freaking out. My girlfriend woke up with me and was asking what was wrong. I looked down at my midriff and seen a dead forearm sitting there. I grabbed it and tried to throw it across the room.


Turned out it was my forearn and I had slept on it and it was dead numb so it didn't go far lol. I felt sorry for my girlfriend because I was a gibbering wreck for a bit. I f***ing hate dreams


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Anyone ever took a course of Champix? (Stop smoking tabs) feck me. .never usually remember my dreams but I dream every night now had some mad ones lol..be glad when I've finished them ..

mad things. Larium the anti malaria drug gives crazy dreams as well
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Anyone ever took a course of Champix? (Stop smoking tabs) feck me. .never usually remember my dreams but I dream every night now had some mad ones lol..be glad when I've finished them ..

a mate was on them and had to pack them in because the dreams they fooked his head up,..also as someone has said the nicoret patches twist yer melon if you forget to take it of.

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It's not the dreams i'd be worried about, this thred should be a wake up call for so many people on Tramadol....!!

if you had to piss this lot out like me you would be begging for the trams... stones will make the toughest man weep for his mommy :laugh: Edited by kanny
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It's not the dreams i'd be worried about, this thred should be a wake up call for so many people on Tramadol....!!

if you had to piss this lot out like me you would be begging for the trams... stones will make the toughest man weep for his mommy :laugh:


Why so many

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It's not the dreams i'd be worried about, this thred should be a wake up call for so many people on Tramadol....!!

if you had to piss this lot out like me you would be begging for the trams... stones will make the toughest man weep for his mommy :laugh:

Why so many

I suffer and have all my life from a rare genetic disorder called cystinuria apparently a lot of bull mastiffs suffer from it also :laugh:

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