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hate fightin. To many folk tryin to be hard c**ts. Just relax and enjoy the ment you never know when your times up no need to try and shorten it

true mate, you only pass this way one , your better off pulling a woman , than pulling punches :yes:

Some of women I've pulled you'd be better off fighting em than f***ing em!!

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Most weeks at work there's some kind of skirmish,,of sorts,,,but working the doors you expect it,,,,   Thought a gang of black lads were going to have it last night cos we stoped them coming in,,,,w

When you see kids who just want to live their life and play with their pals yet they know thats not going to happen and so are just living in the here and now as best they can it really makes me reali

i young lad 19] threw a brick at my mothers car [day after dads funeral] i tried to find him but couldnt and it festered on me ,i was warned that he can do a bit and is constantly high as a kite a



hate fightin. To many folk tryin to be hard c**ts. Just relax and enjoy the ment you never know when your times up no need to try and shorten it

true mate, you only pass this way one , your better off pulling a woman , than pulling punches :yes:

Some of women I've pulled you'd be better off fighting em than f***ing em!!



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hate fightin. To many folk tryin to be hard c**ts. Just relax and enjoy the ment you never know when your times up no need to try and shorten it


true mate, you only pass this way one , your better off pulling a woman , than pulling punches :yes:


That's what gets most of them into bother ray... :laugh:

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I was walking home tonight from the pub seen three guys down an alleyway laying into a guy i watched for a minute or so and though f--k it, i ran down and got stuck in.................between the four of us we gave him a good beating. :laugh:

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I was walking home tonight from the pub seen three guys down an alleyway laying into a guy i watched for a minute or so and though f--k it, i ran down and got stuck in.................between the four of us we gave him a good beating. :laugh:



Fooking pissed myself laughing

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the last ime i had a fight i got the liveing shit kicked out of me.....4 lads had been fishing the ponds and we had shifted them on me and the head keeper well this one day i went down and their they were bbq on the go cider all over the spot i told them to pack up and go..next thing i know i got the shit kicked out of me by the lot of them i only got one punch in :laugh:


the next time i has "pumped up" rareing to go, real hands shakeing heart in your ears anger for some one! i seen the boy in a garge forcourt so i pulled up and jumped out by that time he is in the que with a loaf of bread and a red bull.... i stood behind him and just said " some thing you got to say to me?" he just looked and said "jog on pall"


i took a step forward and said ile jog you thru that fooking window!

he put his stuff on the floor and walked away :huh:

i was stood they for a few mins trying to work out what happend then went and put his stuff back on the shelf said sorry to the lass on the till and left....

looking back he was a big barsteward and would have likely beaten me like a runaway slave :laugh::laugh:

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try to stay well clear of trouble nowadays... but one of the last fights I was in I gave a guy a few belts with a bat for giving me a hiding with a hammer months before. saw him on his own from my bedroom window and flew out after him took my alsation with me and my bat in my jacket. caught up with him at corner shop let him have it and ended up slappping a knife and a few deals of hash out his hand too but didnt notice till after. My dog ran away during him getting hit. she only started to chase him when he started running away cause the bat broke and I couldnt get a hit to put him down and he tripped over her which was classic. Had a couple of digs and gave a couple since but nothing major. dont mind a straight fight but when it turns to dirty tactics sod that. Always sombody bigger harder and madder.

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try to stay well clear of trouble nowadays... but one of the last fights I was in I gave a guy a few belts with a bat for giving me a hiding with a hammer months before. saw him on his own from my bedroom window and flew out after him took my alsation with me and my bat in my jacket. caught up with him at corner shop let him have it and ended up slappping a knife and a few deals of hash out his hand too but didnt notice till after. My dog ran away during him getting hit. she only started to chase him when he started running away cause the bat broke and I couldnt get a hit to put him down and he tripped over her which was classic. Had a couple of digs and gave a couple since but nothing major. dont mind a straight fight but when it turns to dirty tactics sod that. Always sombody bigger harder and madder.

Could have made it believable . James Bond was even that good

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I know a couple of people who have been out on the beer and thrown one punch and spent 6 months or more behind bars for it, One fella had a broke jaw the other fell and cracked his nut so for the sake of a bit of bravado is it worth it. Unless you or your family are at risk. I never used to think like that unfortunately when I was a young pee head

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i dont think ive ever started a fight in my life but seem to attract arse holes who wanna try and knock someone out.



luckily like the fella on roadhouse said 'people go round looking for trouble usually cant handle it' or something like that.


especially true for malnourished crackheads,1 tried to hit me about a month ago i covered and took it on the elbow which shattered his whole hand and wrist lol

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hate fightin. To many folk tryin to be hard c**ts. Just relax and enjoy the ment you never know when your times up no need to try and shorten it

true mate, you only pass this way one , your better off pulling a woman , than pulling punches :yes:


That's what gets most of them into bother ray... :laugh:


very true :thumbs: years back was going out with this girl , we went out for 3 years but was never ment to be suppose . well I will be honest this one, did get to me I had her in my head for along while after we finished .Anyway one night went to a local club , you get few women there and not bad place some good sounds etc . was at the bar getting a pint , when heard voices to my left it was her and her mate there. I said hi you ok, she smiled and said your looking well, I said would you+ mate like drink yeh they say, got them the drinks, ex said come over and join us thought she might still have soft spot for me then :icon_redface: . I sat down next to her , she move right up next to and put her hand on me knee , thought deff in here :laugh: . she got up to dance with her mate , I just sat there , a bloke came sat on opposite me did say nothing. my ex , came back went right up to him and sat on his fekin lap , I stood up and said don't try take the piss out of me :censored: rather loud :D , feck me bouncers grabbed me arms , and going to put me outside . I said what for I not going to bother them pair of cu#ts , anway I fecked off went home , I think looking back if I had stuck with her I would have divorced well quick, where as my wife now been together 30 years , so maybe I done right back then :yes:

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