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About coverdogs

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 22/05/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    somewhere over the rainbow
  • Interests
    lurchers terriers hounds and series 3 land rovers

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  1. I would like to add a bit of speed to the mix but if i got the right working bitch something like 3/4 greyhound i would use it.
  2. when i said he was getting on in years well so am i i have hunted with lurchers for years, collie crosses wheaten crosses and bull crosses and every thing else in between breeding a litter of pups never entered my head until now i would hate to lose this line so watch this space you know what they say there is no fool like an old fool. LOL.
  3. Yes he definitely would be a better hunter than some crosses. he would hunt the air a lot and will follow ground sent he has found a lot of stuff for us. i use him a lot with terriers he is 100% on a mark and not afraid to get stuck in when he has to.
  4. This is my GWP X Saluki Bull Grey he i getting on in years now not a very fast dog but a pleasure to own and work.
  5. Howdy,

    I'll be taking a road trip all around southern England for about a week and a half starting Sunday. Not sure where you're located, but if it's in the area I'd love to buy you a beer or burger while chatting over how your dog works. Alternatively, if you're not in the area maybe we can talk on this forum some more. I think a pointer lurcher could be a great potential dog for me, but there's not a lot of examples out there. Anyhow, not sure where you're located, but thought I'd take a chance. 


    1. coverdogs


      Hello Michael,

      Sorry but i am in  Donegal Ireland  a bit far away for you. i am sorry i didn't get back to you sooner been busy this last while.  i haven't time to talk now buy if you want to ask me anything just message me and i will get back to you as soon as i can. A.T.B. Gerard

  6. i have a saluki bull grey x wgp he lacks a bit of speed but a very good nose will find game anywhere very biddable and works well with terriers. he wouldn't be everyone's choice but he suits the type of hunting i do.
  7. She is a beauty, i wish you all the best with her.
  8. He is ok jumps fences well can catch on the Lamp not in the same league a whipper grey but being a half pointer he is a great dog on the hill and rough ground can take a knock great feet, not everyone's choice but suits the type of hunting we do. Can take him rough shooting too will point a bird and hunt cover well.
  9. Looks like it's got a great coat on it mf. Not a 1st cross pointer/deerhound though? I think it's a deer/grey by GWP. I've only ever seen it in photos on here though. He is a GWP X Saluki bull grey lads, not a record breaker but good daytime dog great nose marks well they make a good terrier man's dog.
  10. I was not knocking you for hunting nor was i looking for an apology, i know it is legal here but for how much longer? i hunt here too and i don't hide away scared of what others might think but i do think that fox hunting in ireland is in danger from not only antis but from all angles government included, so i will stay under the radar for a while yet. as i said before every man to his own. Happy Hunting
  11. Young couple just married moves in with the grand parents They went upstairs to the bedroom and haven't been seen for a week or so the old man says to his wife what are those two been living on all week i haven't seen them down stairs at all the old lady replies they are living on the fruits of love the old guy replies i wish they would stop throwing the skins out the window the old dog is choking on them.
  12. You may be shovel shy but you are certainly not camera shy, you are a brave boy standing for those photographs in the present climate as far as hunting is concerned . but every one to there own. you seem to have a good pack of hounds happy hunting. A.T.B. Coverdogs.
  13. Same here milliken, might go monday until thursday if we knew who was hunting.
  14. I hope to get to one festival before the season is over and have a few beers and a bit of craic with some like minded people. might even see you there harrier.
  15. Any more information on this festival lads who's hunting and on which days. P.M. me if you prefer Thank's.
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