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Rotherham Sex Abuse

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I dont agree it is anything to do with islam in fact I know its not. . the fact that the majority of the f***ing scum bags are Asian is due to shortcomings in the tradition and culture of some of t

We can blame the authorities and the immigrant population responsible, no doubt they're a large part of the equation..... However, 1400 children don't get abused unless there are serious problems wit

FFS it gets worse .... Just heard on the Jeremy vine show from the undercover reporter from the times that blew the lid on this of two seperate incidents that I can't believe ... 1 a father found out

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A peacfull protest just one incident when some pakistani youths with a big american bulldog tried goading the march.



I've met that particular little band of trouble causers a few times when walking my dogs.


Last time they were firing rockets down the middle of the main rd on town centre... "just for fun obviously".. and previous to that throwing water bombs at cars driving on the main rd. . lucky no one was hurt.


I must say the Rotherham Show was a right let down also. . . I have never seen it so quiet. . .normally its packed out with people...this year.... NONE.


Rotherham is no more.


My mate sadi to me the other day..When anyone asks me where im from when Im working away.. I tell them Sheffield.



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if yous peopl were to do anything i would make sure it was peaceful at start cause youll give them the ammo to be heavy handed an bring in more tyranical laws.


did you check out the emergency laws passed recently


there are an excuse for more power seize less rights for the man on street

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Theirs another one next saturday by the EDL i will be going on that one as well just as an ordinary member of joe public whos fekin disgusted in his town.

Mmmmmmmm wonder how many other people from here who have commented will turn up for that march ?The chance to show your concerns in public and not just in a hunting site forum.

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The thing is mate everyone knows this Country has a Major problem and is at a crossroads but all anyone is doing is talking about it via Internet and websites

No body is Marching and showing true discust

It's I'm alright Jack type of attitude which needs to change

Everyone needs to take a long hard look at themselfs and say am I doing enough to bring about change in my OWN Country

If the answer is No

Reap what you sow .

True max.Yesterday i saw pensioners as well as the young and a fella on a mobility scooter but sad to say complacancy will prevail in these types of crimes being commited and coverd up again

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If this government was serious they could start by banning the Burqa in a public place, the same as France did, there would be no right of appeal because there is already a proven case. It has been proven in a European court that it is perfectly legal to ban it and is not racially motivated.


This all started when the Sikhs were given permission not to wear crash helmets on motor bikes because of their religion. That set a presidence that a foreign religion comes before British law. And they have been exploiting it ever since.



Edited by tiercel
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If this government was serious they could start by banning the Burqa in a public place, the same as France did, there would be no right of appeal because there is already a proven case. It has been proven in a European court that it is perfectly legal to ban it and is not racially motivated.


This all started when the Sikhs were given permission not to wear crash helmets on motor bikes because of their religion. That set a presidence that a foreign religion comes before British law. And they have been exploiting it ever since.



Motorbike helmets are to be removed in thousands of banks, post offices and petrol stations in this country but you can wear a burka anywhere you like, it defies belief at times !!

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A peacfull protest just one incident when some pakistani youths with a big american bulldog tried goading the march.


I've met that particular little band of trouble causers a few times when walking my dogs.

Last time they were firing rockets down the middle of the main rd on town centre... "just for fun obviously".. and previous to that throwing water bombs at cars driving on the main rd. . lucky no one was hurt.

I must say the Rotherham Show was a right let down also. . . I have never seen it so quiet. . .normally its packed out with people...this year.... NONE.

Rotherham is no more.

My mate sadi to me the other day..When anyone asks me where im from when Im working away.. I tell them Sheffield.

Sad or [bANNED TEXT].

I was born in Rotherham and still live here . What has been covered up is disgraceful at best. It does make me feel embarrassed about my home town. But say I am from Sheffield?, a ferkin dee darr?, never in a million years.
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the thing with the edl was it moved from why it was started thats why tommy robinson left he became concerned with the way it was being portrayed by the media which wasnt helped with the behaviour of pissed up dickheads just looking for trouble at the marches the ones i went to the public was really supportive behind the idea but wouldnt join in because of the behaviour of a few that few cost the edl alot of support ive seen people of all ages want to join in but wouldnt because they were scared ive stood next to most faiths and creeds good lads has well but even they have been subjected to abuse a muslim lad from glasgow use attend alot of marches got abuse even though he wore edl shirts if your going to win more of the public over you need to put a educated argument over rather than just seen to be muslim bashing hopefully ukip can do that

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maxy out of interest were have you put your trotters in the name of the cause or any others that are claiming not enough is being done i know a few do but those saying it what are they actually doing to raise awareness

Edited by blackmaggie
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