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Just to say I have spent a lot of time around evangelical creationists, it in fact finished a previous relationship with a brizilian girl. I have listened to hours of their pseudo science, coming from otherwise quite intelligent and rational people.

But I eventually came to the conclusion that it was a kind of brainwashing possibly even a mental illness.They work themselves into such a brainwashed frenzy that they start jabbering away in a supposed angel language, talking in tongues. They are all jabbering away in completely different ways so calling it a language is bollocks.

I decided I could not have that inflicted on any future children we would of had. So I finished it.

I have no problems with real mainstream rational Christians, but when the people were around with dinasors, Noah's ark and the earth is 6,000 years old bollocks is trotted out. I then believe that the evangelicals are so ridiculous that they don't even deserve the respect of a debate. Not that you can ever have a rational one with them anyway.

Edited by shepp
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shepp mate you said your piece fair play

but mate the evidence is there if you look at it, young earth ,dinosaurs with man , theres footprints in dinosaur foot prints mate , evidence is there if you look, at it.

im not trying to persuade nobody to change faith i just dont want my kids being taught evoloution, the big lie ,

i tink theres no morals in it , you anawer to nobody theres no evidence

doesnt sit right with me

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Ok fraz, one of the reasonings to dispel evolution was, cave drawings ect of men with dinosaurs correct , to which i can partly agree, how would our ancestors be able to draw a dinosaur if they had not seen one correct?….ok so back to Mr Erich Von Daniken the topic you never reply to ? the very same ancestors also painted cave walls with images of other beings and space craft as well did some egyptians so, how do you dispel his theories , or did our ancestors have nothing better to do than paint walls with these images because they were bored ? and how would they get the idea to paint them if they never seen one ?? and they never painted a light in the sky , they painted images of craft and beings ????……….after all these are the very reasons you use to dispel evolution

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How could an ancient culture dream up a concept such as that of other worldly beings visiting Earth, or even fathom the existence of them? Given that some of these beings are portrayed in 'spacesuits' and without nose or mouth, with the inclusion of an actual aircraft, doesn't that indicate an actual encounter of some form? If I were living in that time, why would I even contemplate the idea of a visitation from another planet unless the event actually took place? I'm not quite sure I understand how 'primitive' cultures could even comprehend such a notion without experiencing it in some manner. No, they were not stupid. But HOW? I suppose you could pass the beings off as a lazy drawing , but the aircraft?! I think mainstream just brushes off this sort of evidence because they don't want to face the potential reality of extra-terrestrial contact.So Fraz these very same people left their footprints alongside or inside the prints of a dinosaur, maybe whilst on their way to carry out these paintings.Will you now dismiss these drawings, but still stand by the dinosaur drawings to uphold your argument? Seems to me the alien theories are more likely to be proven than the evolution / creationist.So i will respect your beliefs, but i hope i am around to say "I told you so"

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your telling me man is here 60 millions years , dont think so , your evidence proves me right ,the dinosaurs are extinct ,supposedley 60 million years ago,so now your saying man lived with dinosaurs ,make your mind up


ive replyed already to this q, that fellas story just copys the historical event in bible of fallen angels,book of enoch,describes the whole event he justs replces it with aliens

think about it your thinking aliens ffs


i said before bible says in the last days theres going to be a great deception an i think thats it

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your telling me man is here 60 millions years , dont think so , your evidence proves me right ,the dinosaurs are extinct ,supposedley 60 million years ago,so now your saying man lived with dinosaurs ,make your mind up


ive replyed already to this q, that fellas story just copys the historical event in bible of fallen angels,book of enoch,describes the whole event he justs replces it with aliens

think about it your thinking aliens ffs


i said before bible says in the last days theres going to be a great deception an i think thats it


but mate the evidence is there if you look at it, young earth ,dinosaurs with man , theres footprints in dinosaur foot prints mate , evidence is there if you look, at it.

​No fraz you said it lol, can't you remember what you say lol, Also the Egyptians also depicted crafts and other beings, so in your words, the evidence is out there go find it :thumbs:

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your telling me man is here 60 millions years , dont think so , your evidence proves me right ,the dinosaurs are extinct ,supposedley 60 million years ago,so now your saying man lived with dinosaurs ,make your mind up


ive replyed already to this q, that fellas story just copys the historical event in bible of fallen angels,book of enoch,describes the whole event he justs replces it with aliens

think about it your thinking aliens ffs


i said before bible says in the last days theres going to be a great deception an i think thats it

The last days !!


6000 years surely we could've had a bit more time, maybe JC will pop back and save us all. :tongue2:

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