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:big_boss: Seen a lot of well trained lurchers in my time, but i can count on one hand the amount of dogs you can call off while chasing quarry. Any of you guys own such a dog, before anyone asks why ive seen one or two dogs killed on roads while hunting, and such a command would have saved them.
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I'd be worried about the commitment of a dog that could be called off mid-course, but some people say they can do it.   Cheers.

I have never seen it done and would question the dogs commitment.I thought dogs that could be called off wile in hot pursuite only exsisted in plummer books.

Let it kill summat and when it’s crouched , put it back on the lead. Repeat . It will soon catch on 

well I have had dogs able to course Hares, since 1958 up to the ban, and able to do there job, but I have never had Or seen a dog,

that I could call off, whilst coursing, (((( and I do not wish to own one, that you are able to controll, whilst committed to his Quarry, but I have owned a dog, who was 6 year old, that I could controll, and stop him from attemting, to chase due to the fact, the Hare, got up at least 150yards from us, and his legs, was not as fast as he was when he was say 2 year old, he was a very clever dog, he probabaly, new in his old head

had No chance of catching it, and the same dog, had been doing his job since he was about 14 months old, and was very successful, at the job,he was a collie x to collie x

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A few weeks backs while on a mooch my own two ( sal/grey and collie type ) spotted some deer and started to make chase until I gave them a sharp NO,mid afternoon and close to a road,If I hadn,t been on the baw and stopped them before they were Committed I would,ve had no chance getting them back and may have caused myself alot of grief,if you catch them quick enough it is possible to stop them :thumbs:

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I think calling them in or stopping them before they get their blood up is one thing but to stop a dog on it's prey when it is in full flight is virtually impossible. I couldn't even stop mine by diving on him as he launched past me heading for the road after putting a hare up in the sand-dunes... and yes I was 'calling him off' as he ripped out of my grip! :D

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