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Everything posted by Paulnix

  1. Unless things have changed radically in the last few months it isn't, and if it were and we were to stop the supply of hahal meat then then either NZ and Aus would change how they slaughter to supply our market if they wanted too or we would export less to supply our own market.
  2. if you where in the business of raising meat for slaughter it would be in your intrest to slaughter it hahal and have a bigger market for your produce I do raise meat for slaugher and it doesn't add any value to me whether it is killed hahal or not, not an extra penny do I get.
  3. Way I see it is if it's not humane enough for regular slaughter then it shouldn't be allowed just for religious reasons, besides if there is no halal food available then muslims are allowed to eat non halal as long as they pray before consuming it so if it was banned they wouldn't starve just have to pray a bit more. But serving it in schools without parental consent is definitely wrong, although i am not religious in any way I can't see why people of other religions should be tricked into eating food dedicated to another god, you shouldn't pander to one religion and not all religions, it s
  4. I think there is something in what you write for sure, it's an inbuilt survival instinct which isn't going to go away in just a few generations, they probably unconsciously see them as victorious invaders because a few generations ago if these " rapey violent invaders " would of been killed by their own men and now we seemingly don't go all old fashioned on them, they are seen as victors ? Liberal type women can't understand why they find themselves are attracted to real men over the more sensitive types as in their words the world doesn't need strong men anymore yet seemingly mother nature
  5. The one thing you won't get as a business owner if you are to be successful is freedom and keep a close eye on the profit margin of everything you do, unless you are used to and are good at paperwork employ a bookeeper asap, many people I know go to work for themselves and are great at what they are doing but fall foul on the paperwork, not getting invoices out on time and struggle to keep track of expenses. The costs and the hassle of employing others is shocking once you look into it fully and it is often the case you are taking less than they are out of a business once you factor in ALL t
  6. You wouldn't feck about with any of them would you !
  7. That's how they roll though isn't it, they use their own views to vote not those they represent's, or they will use the excuse they voted in support of their constituency's views if it suits them to not have to show there true thoughts, of course then you get the turncoat like we had, paid up and very active hunt supporter for years who went full circle when had the chance to run as MP for the liberals..........
  8. You assume those with little life experience will always vote the same and not change their views surely history shows that people who voted join then voted leave ?
  9. I think figures like farage and le pen are always going to be a hard sell to the masses but just look how Ukip policies have leached into the mainstream I think the same will happen in Europe.. Someone said populism isn't very popular I'd disagree with that I'd say it's growing by the second and once it's repackaged it will be the norm You got it In a nutshell. Just because the populist parties don't get into power doesn't mean populism isn't popular, remember Labours most successful time was when they were basically Conservative and the Conservative party definitely weren't popular t
  10. This is sanity?.........blimey ! It's how the MSM showed it so a lot of the sheep believed it, Le Pen is a raving Nazi and Morcrom is a new young guy with a new party so forgetting he is actually just more of the same with big ties to Rothschild and the globalist's.
  11. Problem is now a days they only learn politics and not anything useful, right from leaving school they never work for a living, too many people "earning" a living by not working and it isn't the best people that get in but the ones either most likeable or in some cases least offensive which get picked to stand then if they don't get in as an MP then they get into county councils which themselves are a ok living for bugger all work and if they don't get that far then they are aides or some nonsense. A lot of public services could be sorted out if they get rid of the along for a ride mentalit
  12. Problem is,these 3rd worlders (1st,2nd,3rd or 4th gen) are going to out breed the natives in France and it may well be too late soon. In America the floodgates are almost closed,the liberals/leftists are eunuchs so can't reproduce and the Mexicans are going home. Whereas the conservatives have very high birthrates,so the left will die there. The UK looks like it may well go the same way,if we offload Scotland it's a near certainty. offload us lol no wonder snp get bitter supporters with those kind of comments. oh and you clearly dont understand scotland either! Independence wil
  13. I thought as long as they polled more than UKIP then it's a victory for Labour ? 35% is a pretty decent showing seeing any voter who can be described as floating don't get to see much positive on those who the establishment don't want in power, plus all those who dropped out pulled their weight behind Macron, pretty much a media black out on them on social media which the world seems to revolve around these days.
  14. Not really funny when she's taking a good wage from the public purse for her incompetence. Plus a damn good pension for it when she is done.
  15. By accounts Labour are all set for a landslide victory gaining 83% of the votes, the other 52% are racist bigots who voted for brexit.
  16. She's a damn sight better for the country than Diana would of been, how people fell for that act is beyond me.
  17. Up to a decade ago we had big flocks around, enough to have to shoot a few to hang up or they would make serious mess in the corn feeders, you knew when the neighbours were feeding maize as tens of thousands of them would be flying around between them at feeding time and they would have to net the clamp to stop all the shit which can cause problems in stock, then all of a sudden we didn't see a flock let alone the mass coming together of several flocks at feeding time, never really thought about it until you realised how quiet it was late afternoon now we may get the odd 30 or so mostly a hand
  18. Seems to me Fury was the boxer who worked out how to beat Vlad ( admittedly a complacent and maybe bored Vlad) and kept to the game plan all through the fight to get the win and is looked down upon for it, him and his team knew what they wanted and managed to get Vlad thinking they were going to do something else and had the advantage before the bell went in how they prepared. A lot of people in sport have the talent but not the brain or the will to put that extra effort it to get that win no matter what, seems Fury has that, he just lacks in other places mentally and if he took it seriousl
  19. Paulnix


    To me that is the definition of poverty, feeding the family on what you have to forage for yourself or bartering, between the wars and even up to the early 80's heard my Grandfather and father both say the you know you are in real poverty is when you are struggling to feed your self and you find that someone has dropped a brace of rabbits by your door, do that now and you'd be had up for it.
  20. So you think he is sent by God as the second coming ?
  21. We got some Light Sussex bantams and a few Blue Pekins in the incubator now starting to pip, after that plan is to set some Partridge eggs but failing that try a few Quail.
  22. Feck all to do with boxing but Fury was at my sisters camp site around easter, she said he was great and really down to earth though you wouldn't cross my sister if you knew whats good for you.
  23. I was thinking came out of the freezer and still partially frozen looking by the back legs, plus can see a pea still stuck in its ear.
  24. Paulnix

    Lidle Find

    Don't wish to answer Greyman's question for him but it's definite that people don't let on or make a big fuss, as for the media I genuinely think their obsession for real proof of this waned in the 90's and they don't really care apart from the local rag making anyone who reports something out to be the local nutter, we have similar in our village at the moment as all of a sudden we are the earthquake capital of the UK and the papers are going around trying to get someone to speak about it, yet only want someone a bit more colourful about it rather anyone giving some proper facts about the non
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