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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Does the coat colour make a difference to how intelligent / trainable a Labrador is ,?
  2. I,m convinced that the running action of a dog has a bearing on how well the dogs feet hold up to wear and tear , some dogs ,especially dogs with heavy shoulders , seem to pound the ground with their front feet and use them as anchors , other types have a smoother action they lean into bends more , the front feet are used more as balances , there is less abrupt force exerted .I will always prefer a dog with good tight feet , but I do think there are other considerations as to why some feet hold up and others don,t .
  3. The Field Marshall , you are the first lay man I have heard give a well thought out , well reasoned argument for creationism , food for thought no doubt about it , I just wish you,d do it in a less patronising manner . ATB
  4. Sorry about your loss mate ,you are absolutely right in every way .
  5. No , but it will create sound waves that become sound when they reach a receptor ( ear drum )
  6. Baw have a squint at the names to faces topic and lets see your ugly mug
  7. I like it a lot , as has been said it looks like a design for a stained glass window ,well done young lady .
  8. Baw , hurry up and put todays topic up , until you do I don,t know what to think or talk about .
  9. Havent seen these for years , for the heels of your shoes , blakeys
  10. fk off Lab , your always ruining peoples threads ,your insatiable need for stats is now an obsession , get help .
  11. It might seem pessimistic , but sadly I think its true.
  12. Astanley


    Bloody good post sir .
  13. thanks mate , did he mention any thing about the amounts caught ?
  14. Romany52 , did your mate tell you any thing about it or show you any eod photos ?
  15. Sorry I can,t think of a solution , but I hope someone comes up with something to help , good luck .
  16. Astanley

    Extra Toe

    Most people in Norfolk have an extra couple of fingers and toes and it didn't do them any harm
  17. The oldest art in the world (cave paintings ) are hunting scenes ,the need to communicate to be an efficient hunter led to speech and language ,the best hunters where the most valued and respected member of any community .how times change .
  18. B o s u n yes mate in the 80s my comp won't let me type names it was a r n I e
  19. I admire your honesty. Still brave though. Any more heroics or was that it? To be honest mate ,I probably saved a dozen , it wasn't,t anything brave about it though ,you,v got the equipment and the training ,and to be brutally honest my own safety was always my top priority , the passer by who runs into burning buildings with no regard for himself , now that's a hero .
  20. Me too.....I worked on the Inshore Rescue Boat on the Mersey and have been a trained Lifeguard for about 27years....!! :D I remember a r n I e taking me out on that boat ,where. You there then mate .
  21. O.k ,picture the scene , burning building ,third floor ,two badly burnt unconscious men ,my mate picks one up ,over his shoulder and slowly carries him down a burning staircase ,taking care to protect him from flaming debris ,very brave man was my mate , I grabbed the other one by the ankles and ran down the stairs as quick as my legs would go banging his head on every step on the way down , my mates casualty died , mine lived ,and I became the biggest s h I t house ever to get a commendation.
  22. That's what I get ,risk my life daily ,walk nonchalantly in to burning buildings ,save countless lives . And all you pair of Mongols do is mock me .
  23. Can they be work related ? I used to be a fireman and can make myself look really good on this thread
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