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tiny tim

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About tiny tim

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    south manchester

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  1. this was the camp no fences no armed guards just posh camping in the bush
  2. tanzania on safari just unbelievable
  3. got one of these I don't want ...its dirty needs a clean but works ...its free
  4. the Honda four strokes tend to burn oil and are heavy..better off with stihl
  5. definatly a duck..probably mallard.. are there any manderins in the area ,they nest in holes in trees
  6. tiny tim

    My Lawn

    mix the seed with compost so the seed is not all on the surface
  7. I liked this jock of the bushveld
  8. i know a few lads with trafics and a out of 8 vans five have had to have new gear boxes..they were done on warrenty but it would hurt a bit if they were just out of the manufacturers warrenty
  9. computer hard drive,external hard drive ,good shots are stored on disc as well adobe cs4
  10. she was a good dog..was impressed when i saw her work .....RIP
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