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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. Yeah well what would you know about rapids anyway hahahaha
  2. And that's just if you want to open it up and look jnside. I hear the preload on them things is ridiculous!? "Laughing"
  3. My r10 used to leak after pumping it up because the value is constantly opening and closing so easy to get any dirt practicles stuck but with air bottle if never had the problem as the value opens then closes once while filling
  4. Not really sure why you would want x32 mag in the first place but each to there own I guess 4-12x50 is more than enough for me
  5. What happened to your hw100 wurz? From what I gathered they are an unrated hunting rifle and quite accurate from what people say, i think because its not a hw, AA or bsa no one really uses them. For £150 it's a bargain tho and I'd buy it anyway even if it was sold on 2months later
  6. Nicest stocks on the market! Could do with buying a better scope but that will have to be next month
  7. Nice gun skot, not bad shooting ether considering there standing Atb
  8. Thanks lads, got another evening shoot tonight then lamping booked in tomorrow night and il probably get some more range testing in later on in week. If I could upload from my phone you guys would never hear the end of it. Atb
  9. Well I started the apprenticeship last Wednesday I said I'd treat myself to something, holiday was off the cards now so a gun was the only thing that seemed reasonable. Was looking for a pcp multi shot in .22 when a guy on thl was lookin to swap back to a springer so exchange of guns and a cash amount I'd swapped the hw80k for a brand new in box bsa r10. All the shooting I do is hunting so a precision tool and multi shot capabilities seemed to be the better bet. Sub inch out past 50m is now a common thing when it was a struggle with the consistantcy of a springer. [] After a quick zero a ran
  10. Nice one lad, off out with my new r10 vc .22 il get a few photos if I can hit anything an put them up Atb
  11. My dads got an r10mk1 .177 never had a problem and killed plenty. Just got a brand new one it .22 as my main hunting rifle, so much nicer to hold and shoulder than hw100 the thumbhole grip seemed just to small
  12. Personally wont be buying another tins of AA fields as I'm asways sorting through them and throwing away bad ones, the jsbs don't seem to be as bad so will be using them more now
  13. Personally I think the carbon fibre look looks tacky not to my taste but each to their own Atb
  14. So when you laser the target from your eye, your then going to take a yard off the number so it's at end of your barrel? Why not just calibrate your set up from your scope/eye? Ad keep it the same everytime you shoot? We are talking air rifles not full bore rifles are you planning on shooting target at 100m
  15. I prefur daytime shooting but often lamp on a night to shoot the rabbits but use the nv to spot rats when lamping them
  16. Was talking to my rfd about the better air gun scopes on the market and he said both of these scopes. I probably buy the varmint as I like the 44mm front lense as its not to big and rarely shoot over x8 mag. Plus the side wheel is a lot easier to use less fiddley
  17. Any scopes? Would you be able to meet half way from Teesside
  18. Bit much at 280 like what scope and silencer is on it
  19. Iv got one, I like it when I can shoot straight
  20. Just relabled bis mags or bis mags are relabled barracuders as it says on the bottom of the tin
  21. Have a target of some sort to lok at - a brick wall is good, so you are looking DOWN it at an angle. The bricks become graph paper for you! Pace out the 40 yards you want and drop your hat or something next to the wall (hedge?) Then turn the objective until the hedge/wall is sharp at the range you want - or a tree / fence post at the desired range and just bring it into focus at the highest magnification. Higher the magnification, the more precise the focus. Then do the lock ring up. It will probably only need two turns or even less. Thank you, but turn it in or out? I would guess turn it
  22. Just buy a ferret finder and a couple of collars and get yourself out
  23. Have a target of some sort to lok at - a brick wall is good, so you are looking DOWN it at an angle. The bricks become graph paper for you! Pace out the 40 yards you want and drop your hat or something next to the wall (hedge?) Then turn the objective until the hedge/wall is sharp at the range you want - or a tree / fence post at the desired range and just bring it into focus at the highest magnification. Higher the magnification, the more precise the focus. Then do the lock ring up. It will probably only need two turns or even less. Thank you, but turn it in or out? I would guess turn it
  24. Best thing to do bud, I'm going to try get my little cousin out shooting with me now to take his mind of his mum being diagnosed with it. Take care bud
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