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Everything posted by foxtails

  1. iv had caps come off when i first started using collars, but since then, always tape them up nowa days, as have been said put extra holes in the collar and put it on tight but not too tight
  2. KEEP TRYING YEAR AFTER YEAR, especailly the crop growers !
  3. Yeah, back on planet earth I have pushed harder men out of the way to get into a fight. If we were law enforcement, I would be Judge Dredd......you would be Nick Berry in heartbeat ya clown shoes !! lol, ffs. lmfao ! lol lol :laugh:
  4. if we dont have any snow this year i will be absolutly gutted ! to say the least, .....a winter aint the same without a good snow ! looking forward to it !
  5. as above, brand new to buy are £13.50 im selling two boxes for £15.50 posted ! pm me
  6. absolutly gutted for you mate, you sound heart broken, id say just chin up, and keep looking for another worker
  7. i have a bin you can use ........... only joking .... any old poaching books ?
  8. very good my misses says shes gonna do ecactly that ! so thankyou, looks very appertising
  9. mk4 fenn trap ! in a box ect a few set in different areas !
  10. my spade is the best light weight + solid and about 4 ft perfect !
  11. yep its all ready to go, just need to set a day
  12. apart from the 3 bolters and the 3 i caught, the other 4 bolted from holes the other side of nthe hedge, and holes i couldnt get to, just a bad day, that all, normally i would of had most of those, but the leaves on the ground...and working hedge rows is quite hard on your own,
  13. took the words right out of my mouth
  14. delete some of your messages as your full up, how much roughly are you looking for, the collar only ? pm me
  15. had a day out ferreting yesterday just walking the countryside on public footpaths under a big oak tree the dog marked a set under the oak, so set the nets entered the ferret then....a bolt the bloody rabbit hit the net jumped up at the tree and before it hit the floor was out and free,..off running the dog gave chase to no avail as she's a small terrier, a guy then come up in a land rover pulled up telling me i cant hunt here as its public land ect, but after a minute or two talking he offerd me a bit of rabbiting on his land, so off we went, (mostly hedge rows hard ones to say the least) he
  16. my cockatoo can do that ...no problem
  17. iv got a 3ft solid shovel easy to carry .....nice and light, and solid/steady to dig, ( although i havent dug that much , but what i have done its bin ok)
  18. fair play mate, and always good to see some pics after the write up cheers mate, look forward on more to come ! FTS
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