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northern lad

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Everything posted by northern lad

  1. Ive had 3 seasons out of my current Harkilla GTX,do a lot of digging too,having said that I'm trying Meindls next....
  2. I've been doing a bit out towards Whitchurch with King off here and rabbit numbers are struggling mate. A few small pockets but on the whole there's not a lot about. I was down Hereford last week and there were real good numbers down that way. Rabbits by the dozen in every field. I'm seeing more local than I have seen for a few years. Had hardly any Myxi over the summer and there's deffinitely more about just now. Where abouts in the country are you fella? I'm not too fussed about numbers now, just love being out seeing the dogs work. I would rather bolt to the dogs and watch it
  3. Good pics Gaz....hows the rabbit numbers doing there,been hammered with myxi here atb Dave
  4. Very nice Keith,did you manage to keep your arse in your pants lol
  5. Just watched mine,thought it was quality...the rat snaring was fascinating ,deffo going to have a go at that.Was interesting to see some different traps being used I'm picking it up as I go along so some good information on there,also interesting to watch animals behaviour around the different sets,rather than just seeing an end result so to speak.Done yourself proud JD,first of many???ATB Dave
  6. Epididymus...[/quot) Google has a lot to answer for . Lol,I damaged mine years ago,not very pleasant...
  7. I leave mine in meths for a fortnight,rinse with cold water,shampoo,rinse,conditioner,rinse then brush/hair dryer,never had one twist.Got one to do tonight funny enough,never had that problem with moths either,but Ive seen first hand the damage they can do to a box of fishing flies ,didn't go for a good while ,going through my gear one day and found my fly box now contained a couple of hundred bare hooks lol...atb Dave
  8. Same as lol,bought half a dozen "duffus" of ebay to get started,load of shite,regularly found them triggered and had clearly caught,butmoles had escaped,binned them lol.Got a few talpex type of there and they work spot on,Id be interested to see how they perform against a genuine talpex,will invest in a few when cash permits....
  9. Love him or hate him hes done well for a fat fooker in an industry obsessed with looks....theres hope for us fatties lol Think hes qute funny personally,allways looks like hes enjoying himself....Matthew Horne is one annoying twat
  10. Couldn't see the 10 for £86 If they are not stamped OR only stamped with "Mk4", avoid at all costs. Also don't buy from any one called Underwood - he is a regular purveyor of fakes - on Epay he lists under Xtrashock_uk and Atlantictanks. He also sells these fakes at game fairs. His activities have been curtailled recently since I started pestering Epay about these fakes. I have also released a guide to spotting fake Fenn and fake Magnum bodygrips. The regular sellers on Epay who supply genuine ones are moorlandspoultry, itsareal1, opuk2008, the-trap-man, 2013betsieboo and pestuk0118.
  11. Number sare well down on all our perms in Cheshire,out today and got four,this place is allways good for at least a dozen.....Moles and rats are thriving though lol
  12. Theres someone on flea bay knocking Fenns out at 10 for £86 posted,theyre stamped up as Fenn,I assume youre copies werent stamped?
  13. Yeh got his book,,he used to come to mansfield doing seminar type things, he was good friends with a local doorman,,getting deep in to the psyche about the fight and flight syndrome,,all that stuff,,,the three second fight and the fence intresting stuff yeah i seen he does a lot of self help style things aswell . I bought one of those books but it was way above my head . Another good read of his I think its called Fear ,my friend and yours,very intelligent fella and good at analysing the human psyche....we adopted some of his methods in our gym,we used to do what he called
  14. Net curtains TC?? is it a regional thing,not seen em round here since the seventies lol
  15. RIP Craig,seen most of the manchester indie bands live over the years ,for me the inspirals were the best ,sad day.....
  16. Just ordered mine off flea bay,where is JD nowadays,not seen him on in a while....
  17. Hello Socks, Just saw your post regarding certain sites that will deliver traps to England. If you can give myself a little time I will see what I can do for you. I have a good friend in Nebraska who has just retired from being a School teacher. He's a really good friend of mine and has been trapping since his childhood days. He kindly sent myself a Raccoon skin. Also he sent myself an excellent book on trapping. Socks, I have many ,many friends in America. Contact myself Socks if you want to? Anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to contact myself. Socks, what traps are you after?
  18. Davies a first class cnut,sorted me out with a pup a couple of months ago,had to feed the fcuking thing myself......
  19. I have a staff here exactly the same mate,absolutley fine with other dogs (apart from GSD,s,for some reason) she plays with all when shes out,if another dog or bitch came through the gate she would definetly nail it....shes 12 now,dont know how youd stop it tbh,other than keeping strange dogs out atb Dave Just to add Owen ,shes fine with people coming in out,she loves everyone lol
  20. Wow,£1100,thought Id had my pants pulled down at £500,good luck with your pups mate atb Dave
  21. Think youre asking/expecting too much mate....give them some time and keep taking them out,get the hob out around your feet in the garden and get him used to coming to you and being picked up of the floor,if its only been picked up out of a hutch they can be spooked by moving feet coming towards them.I think youre just going to go round in circles in search of the holy grail,I wouldn't even consider selling one good working ferret for £130....but .ive pet homed a few I wasn't happy with for free over the years ......atb Dave
  22. lol how's the pup coming on davie ? Mad as a box of frogs and growing like a weed lol Trainings going well (now we have worn each other down a bit lol) Got a cracking double coat on him ,hes about 19 tts and 10.5 kg at the min,at nearly five months,so should make a handy size,all in all chuffed to bits with him tbh,fine with the ferts,got the wife wrapped round his little finger lol
  23. some scenery there Davie,you must come down to Salford for a run ,you,ll love it lol atb Dave
  24. Same here Keith,never had such a headstrong/stubborn dog.Aiiways been firm/consistent with pups and never had any problems,had to have a rethink with this fella...in his head the wife and daughter were "fun" and I was the moaning get following him round saying NO,dialled it down a bit and things improved almost instantly,his recalls good but not perfect,sometimes when I whistle him back in he just sits the other side of the field and stares at me lol we then have a staring competition lol if he wins and I end up going to him,its back on the lead and keep him on it for a bit,he does it far le
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