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Everything posted by vduben

  1. my missus love my dogs, she helps me clean them up and sometimes comes out ferrting with me but never digging, i went to look at a pup a few months ago and came back with another dog, women love puppies
  2. wheres the harm? fcuking up everyone elses PERMISSION i would be fuming if i went out and some muppet had been out fcuking everything up!!!!!!!!!jesus!!!!!
  3. so i read that like you dont have permission........................
  4. we did 2 new earths last week, the first was in the middle of a steep bank, it looked deep but we put the bitch in and the tunnels all ran along the bank
  5. well done matey, i had 2 digs today,one at 1.0 and one at 0.7 the first was in a steep bank, looked scarey but ended well
  6. ive done it befor when we thought something was at home but too dangerous to put a dog in
  7. usually me to make the other lads think there is a badger at home
  8. i dont bad mouth the likes of harcombe, darcy, goulds, parks wheeler..............but plummer was in a league of his own
  9. so all his storys were his own? i think not, fair enough they probably made good reading but to steal another mans hunting story, to me, is sad.
  10. brian plummer, a theif and a liar who didnt treat his dogs right, id never buy one but props to the ones who 'get' them to work!
  11. ive bought myself a barry vox and got a new bellman collar today, my question is when i tried it the arrow doesnt point directly at the collar, is that normal, if you follow the arrow it brings you to the collar but not in a straight line... ben
  12. i moved to oz for 5 months, its not the best place in the world, you say englands crap.....wait till you have aussie bacon!!!!!! and the fact youve got no body familiar around to help you or talk to is a kick in the teeth, my sister moved there too, same story, 5 months and she was back!!
  13. is the black and tan a lakie x patt?? looks very similar to mine
  14. you can buy a spanking one with a warranty for 60...
  15. Yeh, the teeth break off into the coypus mouth and they then spit the tooth out like a flying chisel, also been known to wait till a terrier gets hold, then they fling there body over the terrier and rape them, because its done in the water the coypu has the upper hand (so to speak), I heard of a bitch that gave birth to the resulting pups but never seen it myself so cant confirm. hmmmmmmmmmm really?
  16. i got told many years ago there in melton mowbray at rhubard island....
  17. this blokes a tool, rang a few people up tonight, same answers from them all, hes permission wrecking, dog theiving scum.................wants a bullet
  18. there is another person that digs on one of my permissions, i never see him and i never talk to him in the field, i know who he is but he doesnt know me! i came across a hole not back filled on sunday, it was 3 ft deep.....................hardly a big job to reinstate, it took me 5 mins, theres no need for it! it makes me soo angry! god only knows y the keeper doesnt chuck him off!!
  19. slowly and cautiously,leave the cage where the dog can see the ferrets, if he goes to bite them through the mesh, tell him off....just for starters
  20. the new ones going for 375 at the midlands....... its a bit dear...
  21. yup there all the same, if it hates cats and works well...
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