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Everything posted by toby1066

  1. who was it said only coursing topics are full of arguments and chest puffing?
  2. good luck fight them all the way if you were hunting legally on permission surely they cant take the rabbits off you as theres been no crime committed?
  3. if it was aimed at you why does it say well boys and not well Roberto? reading it looks like snoop wants a match all that happened was gorger said hed have a spin if you ask for something on a public forum don't get annoyed when people want to take you up on it
  4. sounds good mate best of luck with the litter
  5. have you matched the dog much and how did it get on?
  6. coursing without the kill is like sex without the orgasm its still enjoyable but its just not the same lol
  7. whats the big rush? its barely shed its baby teeth at that age let pups be pups plenty time for chasing later on
  8. theres good rescues like lurcher link that rehomes to working homes so you cant tar all with the same brush
  9. its definately worth a watch
  10. nice shape to it whats the breeding? does it have lumps above its left eye? could just be the light in the pic but it looks like its got 3 lumps one of them over the eye making it look smaller than the right one
  11. he writes a lot of things about his "friends" on that just crabbing site thats why hes gone none left
  12. they do say its 60 - 40 to the bitch but anyone with eyes can see socks pups a ringer for the sire. dont know the people involved so not biased in anyway but id say that apple has not fallen far from the tree
  13. You gotta love em sensible man to post that since rabbits are the only thing thats legal in the uk now and this forum gets watched 24/7 by galileo and the rest of the scum
  14. about 5 or 6 of them dogs are just milling around though only a couple looked like they really meant business the others were just there
  15. you will last a long time on here telling the mods to f**k up
  16. seen plenty failed daytime dogs make good lampers but never the other way around. no shite just facts
  17. how can you guarantee every lurcherman would? not everybodys got the same standards plenty coursing men wouldnt even own a lamp never mind run a hare at night
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