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Everything posted by toby1066

  1. go on youtube type in carerra galgo liebres theres a few on there
  2. the videos iv seen they have good stamina and run on some real stony dry ground plus they get tested more than uk track greyhounds so a thumbs up from me would like to try one someday
  3. its a heavy looking dog but if it does the job you want and your happy with it thats all that matters mate
  4. according to this site every good dog with a bit of a name is a jacker
  5. its a hoax surely anybody who knows about dogs can see that straight away :laugh:
  6. toby1066

    Myxy Hares?

    they dont get mixi mate but i have seen them with scabby blisters round there mouths probably off pesticides or something on the crop fields it can look a bit like mixi if the eyes are swelled up as well
  7. well done mate good result for a youngster
  8. good luck to the man hope he gets what he wants out of the mating
  9. 9s not too old if the bitch has had pups before but its a bit old for a frst litter
  10. cp has hit the nail on the head just look at that czesky terrier that was 40 something percent inbred that amount of inbreeding didnt come from just a single mating at a guess i would say if you bred a brother sister from 2 dogs which are allready mixed breed ie lurchers theres only very slim chances of anything bad happening but if you kept on doing it over lots of generations thats when the problems would appear
  11. what an arsehole sounds like he wanted everything handed to him on a silver platter
  12. that would be nice if it was true but sadly these days too many factors come into play bits of paper influence what gets bred and how often a lot of the time. primitive man didnt have money on his mind he had survival and the dogs required had to fit in with that and not much else
  13. the merle gene only causes that if you breed merles together. if you cross a merle collie with a greyhound your not going to get health problems you get hybrid vigour. its only if you start mixing merle collies to merle collies and merle lurchers togehter. dont like the colour much myself but some people do
  14. impressive feat of survival not sure it belongs in the lurcher bit but a good video all the same. better than the crap you usually post
  15. i never liked the man thought he was an idiot and very jealous and bitter when he posted but you have a point there mate i would rather have some sport than drive miles to take a pup to somebody. if you want a pup that badly surely you would get off your arse and go and fetch it back yourself?
  16. it says there was 3 dogs involved but only mentions the 2 lurchers and says the other dog was smaller dosent say what kind of dog though
  17. very true cp carnt even blame it on being the summertime silly season either lol hope your lass gets well soon andy
  18. its a good book mate but its not that good have a bump on me
  19. sounds like a really good idea. i know im not the only one who doesnt post much cos of all the arguments and silly bickering. if that was gone it would encourage a lot of the quieter folks to post more and it would be quality as well as quantity
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