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Ray Mears

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Everything posted by Ray Mears

  1. right lads i was wondering if anybody can help me out. i am looking for a pup around febuary time no earlier but will wait a few months for the right pup. i am looking for something that has the potential to be a bit of an all rounder and when i say all rounder i do mean ALL rounder. i will consider any x apart from your small types like whippets for obvious reasons. must see pictures of both dam and sire and a bit of info about them please lads. the pup will be well looked after with regular updates of how he is doing if you wish. Cheers lads and all the best PM me if you wish c
  2. I've got a bitch out at the minute that I've brought up as a worker from a pup, a couple of people off here have seen her working mate i bet she catches a load off all that land you have got bear
  3. could well be mate but buy the sounds of it he wanted one ready to rock maybe he aint got time to bring it on at the end of the day it aint what he intended to buy
  4. thats the problem with buying dogs off here to many muppets who sit on here and big there dogs up yet will sell them for a hundred quid when they get half a chance there is no trust at all i wouldnt buy a dog off here without a trail because i aint wasting my time to buy shit. i am after a pup after x mas and are already looking cause i dont want to make a rash decision and end up with shit. i hope he finds a good home for the bitch and dont forget to name and shame.......... edited to say if you no of a litter will be ready for february time drop me a pm please lads cheers
  5. looks are not important if the dog does the job then who cares about other peoples opinions. if your just doing for rabbits i woudnt of gone for that cross and would have gone for something lighter. but if it does the job then who gives a f**k mate best of luck with the pup i hope it goes well
  6. didnt even get chance to see it. but probably some jealous numpty reported it....
  7. it did what he bred him for did it not? and so what if it had faults EVERY dog has faults and if i got offered a dog like that i would take somebodys arm off for it if i am honest
  8. heard you were have a problem with otters on there ?
  9. wouldnt surprise me either to be honest the women who sit around watching jeremy kyle all day knocking a kid out every year by a different bloke will do anything these days
  10. seeing increased numbers of everything bar rabbits
  11. i was once lucky enough to be spat at and called scum of the earth by a group of them
  12. always on foot for me have went out with a mates mate who did it all out of his car didnt think much off it takes the fun out of it for me
  13. until it packs in and you have to carry that b*****d too
  14. whats your problem lads 100 quid for a dog out of that breeding is f**k all i have spent more in the chippy. the dog looks the nuts mate i would have your hand off for him but am stuck in a flat until after x mas. good luck with the sale mate i hope she turns out to be a good un and shuts some twats up
  15. I can't but 100% agree with you there..i may be wrong i may be right..but if i was in a situation where i was going to be killed by savages and i was armed..i would empty my magazine's into every last one of them regardless of age or gender.. That reminds me of a famous quote by soldier X of the SAS when he was questioned about the so called (death on the rock) investigation when the SAS intervened in the planned bombing of British troops on Gibraltar .... Soldier X was asked by the judge why he had shot Siobhan O'Hanlon 9 times .... His reply .... Because that's all the rounds I had le
  16. or the brain of a goldfish GR just carry on plodding with 45 pounds on your back and make sure you do plenty of up hill.........thank f**k i left
  17. i think there is plenty that aint the sharpest tool about mate probably me included You have to have something wrong with you to join the armed forces!!! even more so if you wanna be a para
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