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Everything posted by TOMO

  1. Yes it's called insulin resistance I know perfectly what it is and how it works...people that become type two are insulin resistant....take away the sugar and carbs and its reversed....very often within a few weeks before substantial weight loss... When you go on a high fat and protein diet it changes the way your body works...some people that track calories even report having a higher calorie intake but still loose body fat eating this way... It's the way we were ment to eat
  2. Not sure what animal pack is....protein shake I assume? I make my own shake after training...but its just Greek yogurt...2..3 raw eggs...and a glass of milk
  3. Mate I've Been carnivore since July and thankfully never experienced the shits...I know this can happen between the first two weeks same as keto flue...again I didn't get that either... How long did the shits last you ?
  4. Going slightly off subject....its interesting the guy fawkes thing.... Every year we celibate burning this dude on a bonfire.... The government were telling the masses that we can't do f**k all and there in charge.... And here hundreds of years later still burning this dude for daring to fight back a bit.... Your dead right Len....we could do with him now
  5. Lol.....don't worry Mc....I don't think any blokes would line up to shag you....
  6. It's totally about sugar...carbs and sugar are the same excess carbs are stored as sugar in the muscle... Mr O ....yep alot of top bodybuilder take insulin because they found it could be anabolic.....of course this then turns them in to diabetics..dangerous hormone to f**k around with...
  7. Same in Hong Kong mate...second highest life exptancy...but Hong Kong is the highest consumer of meat in the world
  8. You just jeep repeating yourself so people'sown experiences count for nothing... ...literally thousands of people curing chronic illness with low or zero carb Diets but it's all lies
  9. Trouble is arry there are so many people that come off insulin within two or 3 weeks ...with only a few pounds in weight lost on that time....so thats not weight loss...its down to insulin resistance because no carbs are consumed I just don't understand people being sceptical humans evolved as meat eaters...there ain't enough calories in the few plants that early humans were eating ...not forgetting winter or ice age of course...
  10. That's just it though it totally does....thousands upon thousands of people curing many many chronic illness does totally prove that this low carb eating ....just look at type two diabetes....cured with a no carb diet...
  11. Only farmed 10 thousand years...Been on this planet over a million... I was the same...thinking a diet with no fruit or vege can be healthy...but there are people out there that are doing just that... I know you say there are many plants and sea weeds we may well have eaten....but they would not have been the bulk of our calories ...there not nutrient dense
  12. Not saying all we ate was meat...of course some berries nuts in season... But all the archeology shows we were hyper carnivores...again getting 70% or more from animal protein and fat... Stone age man didn't grow anything and most of the plants growing would not have been eaten there's not enough energy In them... The term hunter gather gives it away guys
  13. When I say meat ...I should say animal...obviously including fish shellfish birds eggs in season....
  14. I wouldn't believe any of that harry... Going back to what I said on the other thread the other week....us humans evolved as hyper carnivores....where 70% or more of our calorie intake came from animals...carbohydrates intake was very low ... It's carbs ...sugar and seed oils that cause most of our health issues... Go on any carnivore youtube channel and read the comments...the amount of stuff it has cured ...reversed or helped is staggering ...but no docs just want to throw drugs at you.... High blood pressure...type two diabetes...heart disease...acid reflux...all sorts o
  15. The best one liners we're in the next scene where Jesse venture spits chewing tobacco on his boot....or where Jesse says ain't got time to bleed
  16. TOMO


    Some very good CLEAR photos of these alien animals in our countryside.............................................
  17. Seen that a few month back ....there's another one about an old man who lives the same as her...he's got a dog or two as well...snares hares for some of his food...he's in siberea as well
  18. Just went and Google him again to remind me....shrapnel in his legs ...left hand almost useless from close quater battle at the Somme....bayonet wound in his groin and blow to his head from the butt of a German soldiers gun....which led him to regular blackouts later in life....
  19. Read about him a few year back....played a concensus objector in dad's army ....but in real life was a bit of a war hero in the great war
  20. Didn't Colin have a page in the shooting times?
  21. TOMO

    Amelia Earhart

    I still recon it was the vaccine that did her
  22. So with you being a cockney geezer with your fingers in different pies....who got to be the spiv....
  23. So who's capting mainwaring.....socks or stiffy...lol
  24. Kelly's hero's that film ...old classic
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