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Everything posted by samboy

  1. Iv'e got a cast iron one hanging up in my shed, rusty as you like only needs a good clean. If anyone lives near me they can have it.
  2. samboy


    I have letters of permissions and i always carry them with me. It may not be compulsory but in my mind it just saves a lot of grief, ie waking the farmers up.
  3. We could do with a Hitler to sort this Country out.
  4. Ive had my CZ 452 10 yrs now and never cleaned the barrel or mod. But i have took the rifle apart when it got wet. I put it back together again and i could not hit a barn door. Stripped it down again and put it back together with a different system of putting the screws back and it solved the problem. But i cant remember the sequence of putting the screws back in.
  5. I Dont think ive ever disliked any body as much as i dislike him. Horrible tw&t.
  6. Had my CZ 452 for about 10yrs now and out with it every week. I would not part with it. Aetec scope and Parker Hale mod and use Win subs. Its the only .22 ive ever used but i dont even want to try anything else as im so pleased with it.
  7. Have had 2 dogs which had fits. A Lakeland and a Mastiff. Had them both put to sleep. Very upsetting but it was for the best. Both were 6 yrs old. My pal had the Lakey brother to my one which had to be put to sleep too. So obviously in the breeding.
  8. Had my CZ452 10 yrs with no probs, just tweaked the trigger, easy enough job and use winnie subs. Spot on.
  9. A never ending argument but .177 for me. I did like my .20 though.
  10. Machine gun the lot of them.
  11. Got one myself a little cracker.
  12. Good man. Make sure you give that wallet a hammering.
  13. Was looking at Alsation pups today £1000, i dont think so.
  14. Iv'e got a MK 2 Rapid in .177 with a Anschutz trigger. Perfect.
  15. Shows how to strip and clean bolt etc on u tube. My extractors are odd too but there supposed to be. Easy enough to do. Also clean breech as my empty cases were getting stuck in there.
  16. Iv'e never got wet in my Barbours over the years but they do need rewaxing now and then. But iv'e had Goretex that has let water in.
  17. Mine are on the sofa and armchairs every night. But im lucky i live on my own so got no one to nag me.
  18. Tried it once, ended up all over the place. Never again. Use Tesco value duvet's now but they get shredded too.
  19. Ive had my CZ .22 for 9 yrs now and never cleaned it. But just recently the spent cases have been getting stuck and wont extract, So i took the extractors off the bolt and cleaned the muck out of them and where they fit on the bolt. It seemed to do the trick for a while but had the same trouble again. So me thinks the breech may need a wire brushing. If that does not work it could mean 2 new extractors. Could also mean the new batch of Win subs may be at fault.
  20. samboy


    I have more bad days than good but as said it is nice to be out. Better than being in a stinking bed, or is it ?.
  21. Good man, its nice to treat yourself now and again. Thats what lifes all about. No good being the richest man in the graveyard. Hope the scope performs well for you.
  22. I dont know to be honest. Must be a different one as the chap wanted to sell me a liner.
  23. Ive got the Olive green stalking smock, very well made but i dont like the shoulder patches because my gun stock slides of it too easy. Plenty of pockets. But not warm or waterproof, You can buy the waterproof liner but for over £200 i feel it should be waterproof. Would i buy it again ?. No. Although its a tough material when you hold it up to the light you can see through it. I only use it for summer.
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