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About samboy

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    Rainham Essex

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  1. Old samboy is 77. Still shooting every week and out with the dog every morning. But definitely slowing down.
  2. I had a Crusader sport years ago and that wasn't too bad for dripping oil but i do remember them being called Royal Oilfields.
  3. I remember a workmate had one he used to brew his tea in and it was stained inside from constant use. One of the lads cleaned it for him with sand till it was spotless. But the chap went mad and said the tea will never taste the same.
  4. Not a lot of sympathy on here then lol .
  5. Yes i knew that when i viewed the dog, I tell people it's got one eye on main beam the other on dip.
  6. Hi all. After losing my beddy whippet at 15 i picked up this little 3 yr old beddy whippet bitch from a rescue home. Happy days ahead.
  7. I love watching darts but the commentators get on my nerves.
  8. Or he got a bum deal .
  9. I had to have my one pts last Sunday as he had a stroke. He was nearly 15 and a great little dog. I would have another one tomorrow. Good luck with your searching.
  10. I wear them all the time. Took a bit of getting used to. The only thing i find is walking down stairs can be a bit odd.
  11. Been hearing them for the last 3 weeks here. Every day.
  12. samboy

    Weed killer

    I use this. Very good.
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