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Everything posted by redcharge

  1. I prefer to alternate between Milbemax and Drontal.
  2. Where you based pal..if too far to travel will you post? and how much you thinking of sellin it for?? thay are worth 50 quid all day .......................... nice 1....................................not FFS Stabba do you want one for nowt
  3. I think you'll find threats to kill is a very serious charge
  4. Its either a 20 min drive and have an action packed day or a 2 hour drive to the nearest half decent river where there's a high possibility I could blank?? Its a no brainer for me, but if I had the luxury of some decent river fishing fairly close things could be different
  5. 50% discount for THL members??? Good luck mate
  6. What a waste of life that smelly, dirty, piece of shit is Just PTS the c**t!!! think of the time and money that will be wasted on that prick in the future
  7. The abatoir here will give you bones, but they're gigantic beef bones and are pretty shit for dogs, I think a lion would struggle with them. Morrisons sometimes have the smaller lamb and beef bones suitable for lurchers but not as often as they used too either.
  8. I think everybodys finding it hard to get decent gear for their dogs nowadays mate, alot of the butchers around my way are getting their meat pre-cut before it hits their shop so they dont have many scraps or bones anymore.
  9. Makes a pleasent change from the usual arseholes on here breeding from shite that has barely seen a full seasons graft, good luck with the sale mate but remember you can afford to be fussy, im sure there will be alot of interest in these
  10. Nothing cleans a wound out like peroxide IMHO but must be diluted correctly and only used once.
  11. Tidy looking unspoilt bitch that shouldn't be going anywhere, especially as you bred her
  12. I found it interesting! A guy who was delivering drugs for £500 a go and didnt know nothing about it He soon did when he received a 15 stretch. Sorry moll, didnt mean to spoil the plot. isnt it on real player?? If you swallowed that mate your extremely gullable Oh im gullible, i know feck all about nothing and half a dozen of the other. Proper stitched up eh? Wong place wrong time I know. I lead a very sheltered up bringing, you know, boarding school,church, sunday school, piano class every tuesday. Come on then give us your delectable insight into the in
  13. No doubt the march bypass will be hot as f**k over the next few weeks
  14. I found it interesting! A guy who was delivering drugs for £500 a go and didnt know nothing about it He soon did when he received a 15 stretch. Sorry moll, didnt mean to spoil the plot. isnt it on real player?? If you swallowed that mate your extremely gullable although I wouldn't like to see anyone except for a nonce getting a 15 :thumb
  15. redcharge


    He's always upsetting people that Chimp fella
  16. The games hard enough without breeding from pets, theres no shortage of pups for sale from working parents so why somebody would want to narrow there chances even more and breed two bin lickers is beyond me
  17. Looks like a Kestrels to me although I could be wrong been a long time since i've seen one?
  18. Looks expensive to me £1. for just over a lb can get a lb of beef mince from Asda for nearly half that price
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