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Everything posted by Deker

  1. What I know about Nightvision is that I can'f afford what I really want. This setup... which seems to bolt on the back of an existing scope........how on earth do you hold/shoot this gun without it taking your eye out, and even more so if it was on a bigger centrefire!
  2. Could be genuine but I share the views of most here. Anyway, whats the problem with ROAD KILL, not many days I don't see the fox, badger, deer, rabbit, hedgehog, birds on the side of the road. A previous friend I USED to know; when I invited him to one of my "Game" BBQ's said he was a Road Kill vegetarian....f*****g h*ll.....!!!!!! I don't cruise the streets when I can shoot them fresh......... but whats the problem Howldaloom??? Deker
  3. Deker


    This is great and has been very interesting and indeed informative,...... its a free world and put them where you like, but I can't help thinking a lot of this stuff would look good in the GALLERY section of this site! .......and then also better catalogued as well! Deker
  4. On top of the cock up they are also spending vaste amounts of taxpayers money having to write to 7 MILLION homes to explain.
  5. This is a difficult one and I obviously don't know the whole situation here, but my first reaction is that an air pistol is not the tool for pigeon control. First off, they are not very accurate, most are only 3-4ft lb and your pellet placement will have to be incredibly accurate to stop one, I would suspect you will simply injure most and they will fly off. If you just want to scare them off use crow scarers, etc. For control, you really need something a bit more poweful and accurate, air Rifles or rimfire are pretty good but most peoples first choice is the the trusty 12G. De
  6. Now there is a gentleman........... everyone else fell asleep half way through! Cheers Deker
  7. I wrote this a few months ago after a particularly busy few days when I thought I was an author, just found it again and it reminded me of the smell of Spring again................ (Just the thing to send you to sleep I suspect) PCP (Pre Charged Pneumatic) Tears & Triumph![/ It was a beautiful late Spring afternoon as I placed the .22LR in the back of the 4 x 4. Every month and every season has something magical about it but the vibrant new greens and evocative fresh smell of Spring make April and May my favourite months. But June is dawning and history tells me it is going
  8. Come on Baldie...."Shortening a barrel should not affect its accuracy at all, apart from make it better, due to it being recrowned carefully".....you are getting a little carried away there...lets assume the crown was ok to start with...shortening the barrel will then ALWAYS effect the accuracy, not necessarily very much I grant you, unless you take it to extremes, and, as you say it will also reduce power. Thats "one" of the reasons why rifles have longer barrels than pistols, you are very well aware that a .22LR pistol will not be as accurate as a .22LR rifle (or deliver the same power eve
  9. Don't know it myself but have a look here! http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews78201.html Deker
  10. Deker


    What i will say, is anyone who fancied bowhunting, get yourself down to your local field archery club, and have a go at "3d" or "rubber deer" as its known .you walk a woodland course, and shoot at randomly set up lifesize rubber animals, at unknown ranges, with longbows or compounds.I defy anyone not to enjoy it. The home of british shooting, inspired by Queen Victoria, Bisley, still has a well used woodland archery (hunting) course!!! And arrows are perfectly capable of stopping a deer, hunting led to the extinction of our native Roe several hundred years ago. What you see wanderi
  11. cheers martin how much does it cost for chop and screw cut ? Thats a Browning... seeing as a barn door usually presents a problem for them its hardly surprising taking 4 inches off will not make any difference!!!! (only joking) From memory the CZ full length barrel is 22 1/2inches. The normally supplied screw cut barrel is 20 inches. Taking 4 inches (or there abouts) off it will have an effect on accuracy but it will be very minor, you can also expect to reduce the power by around 2%-3%. For most uses you will not notice the difference but you will obviously have to re zero
  12. Thank you...now thats what you call a big fox...and its all my own work, except for the help from Borderboy (and tote) to put it up! Whilst I have you here, did you see my squirrel pics and any word on the deer Borderboy. Cheers Deker
  13. I never have any "trouble" with the 10 shot mag...BUT.... if you use the gun with a sling and walk around the fields all day you end up thumping yourself in the back with it all the time. Out hunting with a sling I always use the 5 shot mag, target wise I usually use the 10!
  14. Check out... A Beauty Last Nights Fox Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns 2nd October 2007 - 08:17 PM Last post by: foxshot How do I copy the picture from that forum to here?????
  15. Technically yes but they will only test it if you get caught poaching or doing something else to antagonize them. it may still be dieseling (burning oil left from manufacture in the barrel or chamber) as its so new. My advice would be put the rest of the tin of (500) pellets through it to settle it in then re chrono it. if its still over the limit and your worried about it take it back to the shop and ask them so sort it, they should do it for free and be very helpful as in the eyes of the law they sold you an illegal firearm so its their ass if you complain! Hope this helps Ju
  16. That card brings back some memories....I spent 10 years shooting at one of those every Tuesday night back in the very late 60's and through the 70's. I seem to recall we used mainly Eley and Remington at the time as they produced the best results, but that was target rifles, Mr Martini and Mr Anschutz. Not fired a specific Target .22LR over 25 yards for years but I suspect Eley will still give good results on the range or out in the field, they do have a bit of a reputation for target rounds. I have the CZ Silhouette with full length barrel and Sak on the end of it, your Varmint has
  17. I dont doubt that there are better well known brands of centerfire rifles,but the accuracy is the same and better,my 308 was shot at Bisley by a very good shooter with his chosen load,not for this rifle I might add ie his load from the box no load development and he scored his highest score ever,this guy is no novice with over 60 gold medals. Their rimfires are without doubt just about as good out of the box as other makes costing 2 or 3 times as much. The trigger situation which people scream on about has been partly addressed in the 453 model but frankly I think people make far too m
  18. Can't speak from personal experience (i always chrono my guns) but i know of 4 people who have had there guns seized and tested.One had a falcon running at 18ftlbs,none had fac,and none were jailed.I'm sure theres sombody who knows somebody who got 5 years for being in possesion of an air rifle that was 12.001 ftlbs,but i've never heard of it.Like most crimes,there is a maximum sentence,so would be dependant on a lot of factors i would say. Firearms offences carry a minimum, (as far as I'm aware there is NO maximum) term of 5 years in prison. The theory is 12.01ft or 80ft, it doe
  19. Their rimfires offer unmatched choice and excellent value for money. There centrefires are far from market leaders, offer little advantage on the financial side, and are probably several places down the league! Deker
  20. If your figures are correct and you find an officious copper and court you will go to prison for 5 years, assuming of course its not on a FAC. Take it back and get it properly checked/adjusted. It is possible you are correct but a little unlikely, just remember both the manufacturer and dealer are also potentially in a lot of trouble if they have supplied you a tool over 12 ft lb. Hence why most manufacturers check before they ship! Air Arms/Falcon/NSP are all made in the same place, I know it well and the people, they may have cocked up, we all make mistakes sometimes. Deker
  21. We did used to have a dog licence but so many people never bothered to pay they gave up with the idea. Today, certain dogs are banned and we have things such as the dangerous dogs act, and special licences are required for keeping certain animals in the UK. This will never stop people flouting the law or animal cruelty. Murder is illegal almost all over the world, but it doesn't stop it happening!
  22. I would tend to agree, many of the tools mentioned so far here are not exactly light. 12 year olds are getting bigger these days but the last thing you want is his arms falling off after walking the fields for an hour or 2. The Lightening and S200 are good tools , check out the Gamo range as well (Gamo & BSA are more than a little in bed together these days). Lots of good second hand kit about as well. All this is still going to be a very personal choice, but I would suggest you stay away from the £30 full power precision hunting equipment complete with scope etc etc ...........M
  23. Red would be the standard suggestion, but I find they cut down the beam range quite considerably. Dimmer units help! Rabbits behave differently and learn quickly on different pieces of land so there will be no "right" answer to this question. Also, don't shoot at the same time every day, try shooting at different times of day/night. The real answer is of course nightvision, but I have been shooting 35 years and I'm still saving up......don't be tempted to buy one of the early Gen 1 versions unless you only EVER want to shoot out to 20-30 yards. Moonlight and starlight do just as well and
  24. Cheers If covers everything I tell the Police anyway but its the first time I've ever seen an "official" form. Fortunately I have an Open ticket (FAC) so I don't have to keep talking to the police about new land, just give them a long list every five years...seems to keep them happy. Thanks again. Deker
  25. If your going to carry out the removel of foxes why go for a fac you just aswell apply for your ticket & get a .243 with moderator on it Thats the bit I don't understand....I think you will find he will need a FAC before anyone sells him a .243 (legally).
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