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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. Friend of mine sent me this in an email earlier. A good pic i thought! Cheers, D. BARBY.bmp
  2. dytkos


    no mate do it to the most horrible bast**d you av to deal with each day love to see there faces if you did lol If I'm in an area (lamping) where police cars may come across my vehicle, I usually put a note in the window saying who's land it is and my mobile number and state that I am legally there, although around the local villages I don't bother as plod knows my vehicles if they ever come around!. Cheers, D
  3. Any member on here (preferably insured) in or around the LL post code want a small bit of ferreting around an orchard. Not many acres but "infested" as the owner says! Please Pm me if interested. Many thanks. Cheers, D.
  4. Bugger!, just bought a 17ah 12volter for £32. Cheers, D.
  5. Well done to all involved. So when's the next heats/rounds ? Cheers all, D.
  6. Well done to all involved. So when's the next heats/rounds ? Cheers all, D.
  7. Patience is a virtue.........
  8. From convincing the missus that I should get one to actually picking mine up took about 3 months!
  9. If your not doing much off road, Scooby Legacy or Outback could be the motor your looking for. Check out Thompsons or Autotrader websites for model history, reliability reports, prices etc. Cheers, D.
  10. I snapped my carp rod whilst fishing off the rocks for bass several years ago (doh!) My local tackle dealer put a blank in it and tidyed it up for a tenner. Cheers, D.
  11. My condolences. Better luck in the future. Regards, D.
  12. Try your local NFU, but they can be a bit arsy, wanting you to do your house insurance etc through them. They say quads are low premium but high risk, hence them wanting more "from you" to insure them. I use adrian flux (on line) again dearish (£174) with a limited mileage(1000m) I'm lucky to do 200 on the road. Unless your a farmer etc with multiple agricultural vehicles they can be a pain in the arse to insure. Hope this helps. Cheeers, D.
  13. Maybe this is the answer I have been looking for, regarding the portly rotund large paunched lurcher owners I have seen over the years.... each to there own, and good hunting Reload (built like a racing snake) I'm pretty racy myself RL, how about you other 2 fat b*****ds, (pills and advisors) fancy doing it again on my ground next week? All walking, no trucking and I'll carry a few this time! Cheers, D.
  14. Yes he's got some decent horses.
  15. Some, mostly around Jamaica and several bits around Minions. Cheers, D.
  16. Quite a dog that Dyktos....Looks to have done alright...nice job Thank you, he's coming on. None of my rabbits were from the truck, all were walked up, which is what I have done for 95%of the time for the last 20 odd years. It's horses for courses and each to his own. Truck lamping is just another weapon in the armoury. Cheers, D.
  17. Russell/Beddy X greyhound to a 1st cross collie/greyhound. Thats the result.
  18. Funny how some light hearted banter can be misinterpreted! Neither myself or Mackem mentioned Markbrick (to whom you were obviously referring to by the title of this thread) of course MB didn't invent it we'd all know about it if he did wouldn't we? Come on, wind your own neck in Dicktoes no offence meant or taken Cheers And here's me thinking that this site was all about the exchanging of hunting related accounts, advice, meeting people, etc etc etc. Seems some people just want to slag other people off at any opportunity. By the way the name is Dytkos. Grow up.
  19. Woooaaaoooh there!!!!!! that isn't westcountry lamping style....................................that's something that lazy northerner wannabe countryman who have moved down here do. I can assure you I was brought up in the westcountry and I learned all about gates, hedges, stiles and fieldcraft long before I learned how to drive, trucks and Lurchers don't go together in my book...................................... Funny how a light hearted lamping report can be misinterpreted! Nobody mentioned MarkBrick (to whom I presume your referring), I just followed the style of very recent p
  20. Tut Tut, Will, paunch them before you get home, badgers and foxes love a Moorland roadside snack! Cheers, D.
  21. Went out last night around some of my old haunts with a couple of fellas I've met on this site. Bit of driving, bit of walking. Started off perfect conditions, then went still, then came in snowy. Several hours, nearly got the truck stuck and several rabs. Merle dog got about 16 or so, white dog about 8 or so and our hosts dogs (not pictured) got the remainder. Thought we'd got 30 before we'd finished but either someone can't count or the bag man lost one under a wire or I lost one out of the footwell whilst gate opening! No action shots as the driver couldn't keep the truck moving o
  22. probably both parts zsc1 and zsc2 whats the recommended calibre for them Don't matter as long as you get them in the head!
  23. Usually about 3/4 a day, but in a pint mug. Even more at night if I'm going/been out lamping. Cheers, D.
  24. Buy new, or S/H from a dealer with guarantee, saves cash in the long term IMO. Cheers, D.
  25. Depends on several variables..... How badly do you want one? Have you got any other opportunities? Can you afford it? (not being personal) Go for it! Cheers, D.
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