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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Greyman


    That's why I ended up getting rid, rats not mink, wish I had a pcp back then
  2. Greyman


    I used to get sparrow Hawks crashing into my flight quite regular when I had canary,s many years back, must have drove them mad, but quite spectacular to see, I do miss it nice set up you have there ?
  3. I,ve never been in a bookies mate, once the boffins have finished the paperwork to support the claim then publicity will follow I,m guessing, the end goal is first gain acceptance they are here then you can start to do the research properly, no one will fund work into mythical animals so proving there excistance is the first and biggest hurdle, its still looking like the end of the year we will be ready to move forward ?
  4. Apparently trees dropping branch,s is also how they have coped with the hot dry weather mate lots of non fruit bearing trees also losing limbs, sacrifice a few branch,s to conserve water and save the main trunk, but your right Autumn is moving on at a pace, even the squirrels were harvesting Hazel nuts each morning in the trees behind the lakes in Devon the other week ?
  5. your tenner in a bookies will bring you much more than a grand I would imaging,. I,m not a betting man but I would think you would get some serious odds and returns if you made the bet now, ?
  6. This year has been a bit quiet on the cub front but have had one black one seen with two Cubs within the m25 circle also had a quite convincing video of a baby lynx caught on a dash cam in Gloucestershire a couple of months back, I normally hear of 2/3 family groups seen each year, so could be worth a tenner, probably more likely than England winning a major football tournament???
  7. Head of the Thames runs through an estate on the Cotswolds called lower mill, they have been breeding and releasing otters for years and are also responsible for the small population of beavers that now inhabit the Cotswold water park area,
  8. If you see them swimming around in a group during daylight it's normally a sign they are captive bred as a wild dog otter is a pretty solitary animal and will kill any other dog in his territory, (normally around 10 kilometres square) he will have around 3-4 females within that territory that he will service but other than that anyone else will be driven out or killed, SCOT a good size dog can be around 40lb in weight bite as hard as a badger with the speed of a weasel, it's a formidable foe and back in the day was considered a harder test for a terrier than a badger ?
  9. Get outside mate most Autumn fruits are at least a month early even the blackberry,s are almost over, sloes are meant to be picked after the first frost but if you wait for that there will be none left,HAYMIN if I get an opportunity I,ll see if I can grab you a few kgs on my travels, no need to pay, I normally have a few bags in the freezer but my garage freezer is dying so have cleared them al out, in good years I normally bag them up in 250g bags and freeze,which is enough for a litre of gin at a time ?
  10. Greyman


    Bengalese and zebras will be British bred so pretty used to our weather, I used to put a tarp on top the flight in winter to keep the rain out and you can drop it down over the sides at night if it's particularly harsh you can also put a small tube heater in the shed part of the aviary ?
  11. Greyman


    As said start with bengalese and zebras, both very hardy, breed well and live together in harmony, if his interest grows you can move onto more specialist types, if you want a singing cage bird try a goldfinch/canary mule, lovely song and happy on there own ???
  12. A lot of the road casualty,s that pop up around the country have actually had an accident near or in a fishery and been placed on the road to make it look like a traffic accident, ?? one very well known carp water I no of have had 6 run over right outside the gate in recent years, but there has been lies and deception on both sides as no official release program has been admitted to yet I no of at least one road casualty that had a chip in it from the RSPCA at west hatch near Taunton, man playing god again, the main benefit I,ve seen from otters is they absolutely wipe out any mink as soon as
  13. I would call that a very safe bet, but not because there not out there, ?
  14. I,m by no means a photographer but from observation of others the cannon eos seems the way to go for an amateur wanting to do good pics, but the slightly more accomplished photographer seems to air on the Nikon side of the fence ?
  15. What sort of weight you after mate, have plenty around me but they seem very small and are going over quick ?
  16. Otters are now in every county in England, that's official, but 99 percent are captive bred released animals, I,ve seen 4 live otters in the last 10 years but probably twice that many road casualty,s, the rewilding lobby now seem to be onto polecats which suddenly seem to be appearing in big numbers squashed on roads the length of England plus quite a few live ones at night on the cameras , I think the pine Martin is there next preditor of choice,
  17. I think I,ve worked out what that hooks for, it's to catch anglers, just landed a nice double figure dido ?
  18. I think the opening paragraph is what makes it interesting To me, once a population drops to a certain level, it's easier for the highly qualified desk experts to declare them extinct and poo poo anything that contradicts them, than to get off there arses leave the comfort of there office and do something to help the few remaining, though sometimes it's a blessing as nature thrives on neglect and as these pictures show they are doing alright for extinct animals ?
  19. I saw that, looks like there still I business ?????
  20. Your problem is your proximity to London, I,m afraid you are getting hit with London prices, I,d drive up from Bristol and do it for half that price, splish splosh loads of dosh ?
  21. I,m assuming that is the eastern puma that was declared extinct earlier this year, a bit like the uk Lynx ??? do you know what part of the states it was filmed mate ??
  22. Give it a go with a wallpaper steamer, sometimes it just comes off in sheets ?
  23. Always wondered if the sheep ever ate enough to get a buzz ?
  24. Once all the political elite have all the loopholes covered so they profit massively, it will become legal, I think Jeremy hunt is involved in one of the biggest medical weed grows in the uk, they just need to make sure no peasants are profiting ?
  25. A man in a football kit and a bin liner, seems the way to go for mp,s, but I,m sure he,ll get a not guilty and they,ll lock the evidence away for 100 years so all involved will be long gone before the truth is out ?
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