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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Every seventh wave is bigger than the rest ?
  2. Despite there bright colours I think they are invisible to many people, I used to have a fishing lake back in the 90s in Somerset, and sat there one day chatting to a fisherman, out of the corner of my eye I was watching a kingfisher buzzing back and forth and told matey to which he replied I,ve never seen a kingfisher, I said your pulling my pisser I,ve seen one go by half a dozen times while I’ve been chatting, but he was deadly serious ?not the greatest shot but the one everyone wants a kingfisher fishing off the end of your fishing rod ??
  3. Have seen two so far, one on a small stream I walk along and one on the back of my boat, I assume it’s easier going in the marina when the water levels are high and carrying a lot of coloured flood water so they come in, have a heron sat on the jetty most mornings as well, I have actually even caught a couple of bunny’s sadly mixied up but took the light out the other evening for a little shine and was quite surprised by the number of healthy ones I saw as well, have noticed in the past things go in 7 year cycles for some reason in nature, so hopefully rabbits will be making a comeback soon li
  4. ,they will be complaining now that we are being greedy, and sandy will put up a wiki link to prove it ??
  5. Take the dog out maybe, give the kids some fresh aIr, or even go fishing with the stuff under the stairs, array can show you how it works if you have forgot you really are only doing this because your bored aren’t you as I don’t think it’s possible to be so stupid really
  6. Jesus H Christ man you should have just stopped at I,ve no idea as it’s quite clear that’s your best answer in a long time, are you getting your news delivered by owls like that other boy who lives under the stairs ???
  7. Please stop talking shit, they are guidelines and regulations mostly unenforceable, unless you roll over and take it like a good boy, it takes a parliamentary debate to make laws, not wait till everyone goes on Christmas break then just rush it through un challenged, ask your misses if there’s room for a telly in there with you and your rod so you can keep up
  8. You can’t spend your day throwing stones then start crying when a window breaks, man up you little girl, that’s a very leftie thing to do?
  9. And that’s the truth, just like flu we all have to catch it and run the gauntlet, so let’s just cut the shit and get back at it, at least you will be able to speak with some authority on the subject now, good luck ??
  10. Because like everything else involved in this bullshit exercise of control they have been rushed through and have not gone through the correct channels to be made into law, it must be bliss living in that cupboard under the stairs completely unaware of what’s happening outside, ?
  11. Let’s have something non political or racist for a change, it’s almost a month since leaving my urban environment and the difference in wildlife is very dramatic, I,m seeing much less large mammals but a much better array of bird life and the large mammals I do see are behaving in a more natural way, I struggle to not encounter deer on a daily basis around the city they are quite clearly loosing there natural fear of man and are a real pain in the arse, fox,s walk round like stray dogs and even badgers eating out of bowls in peoples gardens, have found lots of deer sign so they are there but d
  12. 8hrs in a Slow cooker with a bottle of red wine makes even the most scabby old beast very palatable ?
  13. I love goat meat it’s one of my favs don’t matter how you like it as long as you cook it low and slow, if I want it curried I usually get it from the Jamaican up the road, ( rice and things) as he’s meant to be the best in the country, and at £7 it’s not worth getting my pot out, if you can’t get goat mutton is much the same and is what is in many curried goat meals, ???
  14. Try the Bank of England and as Walt said Henry Ford and many other wealthy individuals that also wanted the worlds finances taken out of Jewish hands, but that would just be to far fetched surely ??
  15. A lad I know has just bought a million quids worth of British airways shares, as they are on there arse and cheap as chips, provided they don’t go under and recover he will make millions more when things begin to recover, and he’s just small fry in the overall scheme of things, and if they are invested in vaccines for every jab given another £3 goes in the pot, and at the moment you would struggle to keep count of your income, ?
  16. Stocks and shares mate crash a company and buy up all its shares, resurrect the company and make millions it’s a game for those with wealth, check out the price of amazon shares before and after this pandemic, someone with hindsight ??would have invested heavily if they new the high streets and corner shops were about to be ran into the ground by there mates in parliament for example, money goes to money and we pick up the pieces ??
  17. Votes what ffs, it’s a number with no relevance, how many more times ??
  18. When I went on there they thought it was a stool ?
  19. Funny enough 72% of coloureds, the most high risk category if we are to believe the hype are set to refuse the vaccine and your answer makes no sense whatsoever if you want to use a percentage, you must add if 65% are for or against, it’s easy to see why so many think your a bit backwards here, slow down andread what you have wrote before pressing submit??
  20. And in the real world I have two lots of friends who’s Eighty plus year old parents have both recovered in 3 days one had flue like symptoms, one just lost taste and smell, but hey let’s believe Israel the most open and honest country on the planet, ??
  21. It’s the money sat in the swim mate,mine was like sting of the dump and worth around a ton, my sons camera is worth more than all my kit ?????
  22. Wow and I spent 30 year sleeping on canal tow path with my baby son in an unhooking Matt with nothing more than a hammer under my pillow, how times have changed ??
  23. Trip wire and shotty cartridge ??
  24. They look like bite alarms mate to tell you when you have a fish, so unless you are being robbed by carp I’d look for something else, loads of small battery powered alarms about for next to nothing or just stick a trail camera up a when you catch someone beat them savagely on the hands with a hammer and people will learn to leave your stuff alone quite quickly, ??
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