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I don't agree with that at all, Great Britain has achieved great things and been the foremost nation in the world as a union........on the battlefield the bravery or English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish

Article 50 ....

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This might be a thing of the past.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-39427982

I hope so ..it's ok filling our high skilled jobs with the best people the world can provide I don't have a problem with that but these low skilled jobs are the bread and butter of our low skilled workers not everyone's a high flyer these jobs are important to natives who still have aspersions of owning a house ect but what chance have they got when there undercut by wages and zero hour contracts that work great for immigrants but not not natives how can you build a life/family ect if you don't know what if your working from one day to the next ...I've seen so much of this in my area the natives don't stand a chance it's no way near fair or equal.

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It certainly cannot get any worse anything was better than sinking endless tax payers hard earned money into Europe too prop up the fragile economies of what are basically a load of holiday resorts and bankrupt war torn cesspits,


It's not only what we put in there in contributions it's also the fact they all directed here by the rest of our so called friends cos we simply daft enough too have a system they free too play too suit themselves even atthe cost of said taxpayers


Being in europe was never supposed too end up with our own people scrounging a living from soup kitchens and food banks? That's not progress it's backwards, counter in the fact along with this we also taking the rest of Europe and the wider worlds unwanted at an alarming rate and list all control and accountability politicians do wrong they hide behind Europe, Europe harbours the war criminal Blair and his cronies do you want any part of an organisation with people like him in it ? I know I don't, under his lot we list ourselves and our identity in a blaze of lefty lunacy rash law making policy accounting more for minorities than majorities, reckless spending on wasteful causes and all the while plotting too destabilise the world by going too war on a pack of lies costing millions of pounds and causing untold misery and fear

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  • 3 months later...

dicky branson can go bollix himself, he dont even live here in gb, hes in a bubble on a desert island with no muslim invasion. how can he calol the people who voted out a mistake?? its mainly us natives that voted out not the wogs, camel jockeys and half the scum from eastern europe.

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dicky branson can go bollix himself, he dont even live here in gb, hes in a bubble on a desert island with no muslim invasion. how can he calol the people who voted out a mistake?? its mainly us natives that voted out not the wogs, camel jockeys and half the scum from eastern europe.

Hahaha......Don't hold back any how's....

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dicky branson can go bollix himself, he dont even live here in gb, hes in a bubble on a desert island with no muslim invasion. how can he calol the people who voted out a mistake?? its mainly us natives that voted out not the wogs, camel jockeys and half the scum from eastern europe.

Hahaha......Don't hold back any how's....


the truth voon, yet they still cant grasp what it means, we voted out to stop the rape and choking of the nation, the mps need to listen to the people on the streets(not the londonistaners) the reason we voted out mainly was because mass uncontrolled immigration and stupid foreign aid money that's being swindled by warlords, when theres out own people feeding from food banks

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