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Shit On By The Country He Served

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This tells me modern Britain is not worth fighting for......i would never recommend anyone sign up

we live in a society that goes about rioting after some wanna bee gangsta gets shot for carrying a firearm-country is f****d.if we ever had another world war do you think the youngsters would be lieing about their age to sign up?all those men that fought for our freedom would be turning in their graves.government of this country has alot to answer too..they need to grow a set and f**k off the yanks..they will be the downfall of us All imo .atb dc
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It's all very well shouting about the Geneva convention and the rules of combat etc ... but these rules were written by men in offices wearing smart suites and clean shirts ... the reality is that nob

yep if I get caught digging somewhere I shouldn't and get done then them the rules and there's nothing I can or you can do about it...when you know you're breaking the rules and you get caught there's

Once the rat who downloaded the footage made it accessible ,there wasn't much option but to go through the courts ,justice has to be seen to be done and all that ,hopefully the man is looked after whe






did he only bump the one off or was he nutting them on regular basis on his five tours

you would have thought he would have learnt something on his 5 tours
he did, he learned how to deal with these people the correct way.
What by getting caught?
look at Blair mayne and the achievements he done on the battle field and he's also a hero to us, but shit on by the government, seems that all the wrong type are running the asylum these days, even you yourself being a military man, would you not be pissed off if you were hot in battle then getting jailed for killing your enemy

Remember the Saying "What happens in the Desert should stay in the Desert" or was it Vegas both sandy

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I've no problem with what he's done personally(grandfather's, dad,uncles and cousins have all fought for this country)my problem is with his so called 'comrades ' selling him out,if it had been dealt with by the army he'd of done a few months max.but because some numpty decided to store it on a civilian computer and start showing it about...he got stung.He got kids and stuff I feel for him,no doubt when he gets out he land on his feet.atb dc

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This tells me modern Britain is not worth fighting for......i would never recommend anyone sign up

we live in a society that goes about rioting after some wanna bee gangsta gets shot for carrying a firearm-country is f****d.if we ever had another world war do you think the youngsters would be lieing about their age to sign up?all those men that fought for our freedom would be turning in their graves.government of this country has alot to answer too..they need to grow a set and f**k off the yanks..they will be the downfall of us All imo .atb dc

I can never get over that.....the biggest riots this country has seen in years over the loss of a petty criminal!?!? It's a head fcuk isn't?

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It's the same old story that will never change - HMG/MOD likes to take boy soldiers that it can break down and build back up into someone that is capable of actually intentionally killing other human beings.


Then, when that person becomes broken or over-steps the mark or actually starts to enjoy what they do, they're abandoned by the very people that made them.


They have no support. Blackman was doing what he knew.


Ffs, these guys are expected to hunt and kill on tour, then go back to their families like nothing has happened.

I don't think I'd be capable.


In this case, I think the military hierarchy has shown it's self in a bad light. They have a duty to clean up their own mess.

This should never have become public or been tried by a civilian court.

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Personally I think it's a disgrace and any man from this country who thinks that he should be banged up for killing an enemy whilst serving for this country should hang their head in shame

The people like BGD who agree with what happened to him are pond scum. Lepers avoid people like him


don't worry about him,he's off his face.

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Once the rat who downloaded the footage made it accessible ,there wasn't much option but to go through the courts ,justice has to be seen to be done and all that ,hopefully the man is looked after when he comes home ,to condemn him just to prove you can go against the flow and show how good you are debating moot points is shameful and must make ex service men question whether it was all worth it .

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It's the same old story that will never change - HMG/MOD likes to take boy soldiers that it can break down and build back up into someone that is capable of actually intentionally killing other human beings.

Ffs, these guys are expected to hunt and kill on tour, then go back to their families like nothing has happened.

I don't think I'd be capable.

It's fine mate because you get 2 days decompression in Cyprus on your way home lol ........

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Personally I think it's a disgrace and any man from this country who thinks that he should be banged up for killing an enemy whilst serving for this country should hang their head in shame

The people like BGD who agree with what happened to him are pond scum. Lepers avoid people like him

hes a stoner, gets high every night then questions the meaning of life, whilst putting tinfoil under his hat and choking his chicken over pics of Jezebel corbyn
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It's the same old story that will never change - HMG/MOD likes to take boy soldiers that it can break down and build back up into someone that is capable of actually intentionally killing other human beings.

Ffs, these guys are expected to hunt and kill on tour, then go back to their families like nothing has happened.

I don't think I'd be capable.

It's fine mate because you get 2 days decompression in Cyprus on your way home lol ........


Jammy b*****ds

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Personally I think it's a disgrace and any man from this country who thinks that he should be banged up for killing an enemy whilst serving for this country should hang their head in shame

The people like BGD who agree with what happened to him are pond scum. Lepers avoid people like him
hes a stoner, gets high every night then questions the meaning of life, whilst putting tinfoil under his hat and choking his chicken over pics of Jezebel corbyn

You been spying on me again pal? :hmm:

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You can bet the people who make the laws have never seen action on the front line in a war a know what it does to you , b ut his downfall was allowing it to be filmed , but didnt prince harry comment on this ?.

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Once the rat who downloaded the footage made it accessible ,there wasn't much option but to go through the courts ,justice has to be seen to be done and all that ,hopefully the man is looked after when he comes home ,to condemn him just to prove you can go against the flow and show how good you are debating moot points is shameful and must make ex service men question whether it was all worth it .

i dont agree with executing an unarmed man laying wounded on the ground, but i dont understand what it had to do with the police the public prosecution service and the criminal courts.. it was a military matter
the taliban man was heavily armed mate so it says in a the article
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