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Ex Soldier Arrested

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I personally don't think it helps that the grinning faces if Adams and McGuinnes are always on the telly, you see them living the charmed life of the politicians.   Everybody and I mean everybody kn

Give it a couple of hours and this thread will be an example of why these things shouldn't be dragged up all over again   Both sides committed fecking terrible crimes and more folk should of been p

It's about time we as a society had a long think about how we judge our servicemen! Gone are the days when we had a war cabinet and deploying forces meant killing. We seem to expect these men we emplo

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I personally don't think it helps that the grinning faces if Adams and McGuinnes are always on the telly, you see them living the charmed life of the politicians.


Everybody and I mean everybody knows they were top boys in the IRA.......it's like the worst kept secret in history!


It's sticks in the throat of English lads who see them as the enemy and it must stick in the throat of ex IRA volunteers who were no doubt thrown aside as soon as those two clowns saw the Queens shilling.


Get rid of these two, bring in some young modern Sein Fein people and let's really put all this behind us.


Leave the soldiers and volunteers be now to live out their life.

It's gone, finished......wounds run deep on both sides but everybody has to be better men for all our children and grand children.


f***ing politicians, wankers the lot of them.

perfectly said wilf

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War and that is what it was, be it a war of subjugation or a war of attrition or as some like to portray it a war for freedom are fought in sewers and gutters and trenches, , Atrocities are done by all sides in a conflict that Is the nature of the beast. Soldiers, freedom fighters, combatants, terrorists what ever name you stick on them think their cause is right and just the mission is to subjugate or defeat those in opposition its a dirty, soul destroying business. Death , injury and suffering to most are what happens in other places or on the News, when it touches daily lives then eyes begin to open, The wars are created and started by some one wanting to impose their idea of just and right on some one else. Usually greed or personal gain and power are the route causes and those who start the conflicts are very rarely if ever brought to book or held responsible for their actions. A time has to come when a line has to be drawn under conflict as unpalatable as it may be after a month or a hundred years. Should Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren have to shoulder burdens that should be consigned to history? Fields around the world have uncounted graves that conflicts have dug and they are filled with human beings be they Soldiers civilians and children. Let sleeping dogs sleep raking over ashes can reignite troubles as said the guilty often escape justice that is the nature of life.

Edited by desertbred
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The IRA were up to there necks in orchestrating that day, as per usual using the people they "swore to protect"

as pawns and a shield.


Mcguiness in all likekyhood fired the first shots. Did the paras go a bit OTT yea there is evidence that a few did should charges have been brought? Quite possibly but not now, and certainly not when child killers,bombers and men who still mean to do us harm were all released and a lot are now in cushty goverment jobs.


nah they relished in the good friday agreement when that shower of scum were released.if the goverment were smarter or even f***ing cared about our security services the agreement woukd have included forfeiture of any lawsuits against the uk. One way street springs to mind.


no good will come out of this.


good PR on the part of the governent though. You would need your head looked at to even contemplate joining the army!


Today of all days where slimy politicians lay wreaths where they care more about thier apperance than remembering past heroes!

Edited by truescot
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War and that is what it was, be it a war of subjugation or a war of attrition or as some like to portray it a war for freedom are fought in sewers and gutters and trenches, , Atrocities are done by all sides in a conflict that Is the nature of the beast. Soldiers, freedom fighters, combatants, terrorists what ever name you stick on them think their cause is right and just the mission is to subjugate or defeat those in opposition its a dirty, soul destroying business. Death , injury and suffering to most are what happens in other places or on the News, when it touches daily lives then eyes begin to open, The wars are created and started by some one wanting to impose their idea of just and right on some one else. Usually greed or personal gain and power are the route causes and those who start the conflicts are very rarely if ever brought to book or held responsible for their actions. A time has to come when a line has to be drawn under conflict as unpalatable as it may be after a month or a hundred years. Should Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren have to shoulder burdens that should be consigned to history? Fields around the world have uncounted graves that conflicts have dug and they are filled with human beings be they Soldiers civilians and children. Let sleeping dogs sleep raking over ashes can reignite troubles as said the guilty often escape justice that is the nature of life.

war and that is what it was.......then surely there should be a hague style court system to try war criminals,there were plenty of them.

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War and that is what it was, be it a war of subjugation or a war of attrition or as some like to portray it a war for freedom are fought in sewers and gutters and trenches, , Atrocities are done by all sides in a conflict that Is the nature of the beast. Soldiers, freedom fighters, combatants, terrorists what ever name you stick on them think their cause is right and just the mission is to subjugate or defeat those in opposition its a dirty, soul destroying business. Death , injury and suffering to most are what happens in other places or on the News, when it touches daily lives then eyes begin to open, The wars are created and started by some one wanting to impose their idea of just and right on some one else. Usually greed or personal gain and power are the route causes and those who start the conflicts are very rarely if ever brought to book or held responsible for their actions. A time has to come when a line has to be drawn under conflict as unpalatable as it may be after a month or a hundred years. Should Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren have to shoulder burdens that should be consigned to history? Fields around the world have uncounted graves that conflicts have dug and they are filled with human beings be they Soldiers civilians and children. Let sleeping dogs sleep raking over ashes can reignite troubles as said the guilty often escape justice that is the nature of life.


war and that is what it was.......then surely there should be a hague style court system to try war criminals,there were plenty of them.

Wouldn't work mate, you can see yourself some of the replies on this thread, some people only have bitterness in their life and when they are that much of a no hoper that their bitterness matters more to them than the lives of kids then it's a no win situation.


Sometimes in life The only way is to wipe your mouth and move on.

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