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Told You There Were Big Cats In Wales.

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Yesterday my dog brought me back a sheep's tail. Today he brought me back a sheep's leg :icon_eek: so I went for a look round. This wasn't there on Monday, but today....




Definite big cat activity. :thumbs:


By the way, does anyone want me to look after their sheep? :laugh:

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Wales?, a murdered sheep?, more likely a jilted lover or a crime of passion than a big cat.

Big cat my arse,it's that pup you had off haymin,your ruining it ,bloody shooters having lurchers greedy b*****ds blah blah blah .

We treat our ladies with respect down here I'll have ewe know......Most likely some Aberdonian on holiday. ?

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Yesterday my dog brought me back a sheep's tail. Today he brought me back a sheep's leg :icon_eek: so I went for a look round. This wasn't there on Monday, but today....




Definite big cat activity. :thumbs:


By the way, does anyone want me to look after their sheep? :laugh:

Or Big FOOT :laugh:

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Yesterday my dog brought me back a sheep's tail. Today he brought me back a sheep's leg :icon_eek: so I went for a look round. This wasn't there on Monday, but today....




Definite big cat activity. :thumbs:


By the way, does anyone want me to look after their sheep? :laugh:

Or Big FOOT :laugh:



Now you're being ridiculous.


The big cats ate al the bigfoots. :yes:

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There was reports years ago called the wood Chester big cat killing roedeer everyone was adimant it was a big cat and it was t far from a place I lived at anyway my dog used to come back with all sorts of animal parts including a cows leg one time and would go out and take roe deer on his own accord and come back with bits of deer also so I reckon my dog was actually to blame for this not a big cat it even made the papers about the big cat Google it

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when lamping one night with my old collie x grey Blaze, I had few rabbits and seen few foxes but right by the edges just got there eyes in beam , I tried few times before but where I used to go a lot off stuff was lamp shy , so though feck it and carried on lamping rabbits. well flicked the back up to the edge and the eyes were still looking back , walked bit closer kept the lamp on sent Blaze down, as he was getting closer it wasn't moving thought bloody hell , old Charlie boy slow moving and Blaze will soon sort him out, as didn't mind the old teeth job, he prob liked that more than rabbits lol . Well he went right into the edge, fook me what noise a massive feral tom cat got on his head, as was running up to them, he somehow got it off him and he killed it. this thing was as near as big as good size cocker, deff a lot bigger than any fox I ever seen before :yes: . ok not nothing big ,to what people have said in size to wild cats , but ive never seen a domestic as big as this bloody thing was, Blaze was ok his face came up later, I put warm salt water + tcp on cuts was ok in few days later :thumbs: .

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seen one my self bloody big black and had pointed ears like a lynx. Would not believe it if i hadn't seen it my self. Been running around this area day and night since a kid and never seen nothing before. Just puffed my way to the top of a hill on me bike and it was crossing the road into forestry and it turned and saw me and gone in seconds

Edited by terryd
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