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Drug Smugglers Shot

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Unfortunatly i know because i've been there :icon_redface: but to kick a habit and stay clean truescot takes a very strong minded person :yes: ,i've been clean a dozen years or so now and have a grand family and am so lucky to have what i have(5 great lads,a life,health,dogs,birds and a very fit misses :D ) and never would i go back to it..BUT every week i think about it and if i can try to put it into perspective to folks who have no idea how it gets into you,give up hunting,shooting or dogs today and NEVER do or think about it again...P*ss easy for a stong minded person with no physical with drawalls either.. :victory::laugh: .

As for those just shot,they knew the risks and still cracked on with their missions,tough doody imo... :yes:

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I would shoot them in the airport in front of the passengers dirty business bringing misery to millions,

If yaa take the gamble then take the penalty... Hate druggies end ov..

Unfortunatly i know because i've been there but to kick a habit and stay clean truescot takes a very strong minded person ,i've been clean a dozen years or so now and have a grand family and am so l

Another thing that goes on is londoners going to rural areas. "Going country" as they call it, because there is less police and their not known to the police there. An older teen starts a phone line and then youngsters take it over and get paid a wage for doing so. For my generation i can tell ya its quite common. Selling misery and living a miserable life all one big cycle. Sure the kids feel their doing well earning a few hundred a week until their caught. Thats it then whole life basically f****d and mapped out for em before its properly started.

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Fireman..I got it real bad about smack heads at the moment but well done to you all the same..keep off that shit pal sounds like ya a lucky man to have a good family round ya..

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It should be the same punishment in every country...get caught bringing drugs in and its the death sentence for you. Simple as

Are you talking about all drugs or only certain ones? Cheers




Wow. So anyone caught smuggling any type of illegal drug into any country should get the death penalty?


When you have been a victim of a drug crime ,like I have then yes and I love to be al to pull the trigger on the junkies as well :yes::yes:


OK. so, how have you been a victim of drug crime?

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But the law is rhe law as has been repeated but what if some poor old security guard came across them and explained to them that the law is the law and their breaking it and that he he has to ring the the filth that they would have said your right mate and put their hands up would they fook they would bury him

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I agree with the ones saying legalise drugs and put tax on them.


Millions of people enjoy drugs recreationally and why shouldn't they? Because some people with little self control get addicted and then commit crimes to feed the addiction?


So we should ban all alcohol and cigarettes too? Both cost the NHS millions because some people get addicted to them.


Where does it end helping folk who can't help themselves?


As to the original topic it is very sad that they will lose their lives but they knew the risks. As do we all when we commit any crime. It's not always fair but such is life.

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It should be the same punishment in every country...get caught bringing drugs in and its the death sentence for you. Simple as

Are you talking about all drugs or only certain ones? Cheers




Wow. So anyone caught smuggling any type of illegal drug into any country should get the death penalty?


When you have been a victim of a drug crime ,like I have then yes and I love to be al to pull the trigger on the junkies as well :yes::yes:


OK. so, how have you been a victim of drug crime?


Work vans broken into ,all of my tools taken , all in all cost me well over £10,000 to replace plus the damage to the vans .Police said this a crime of drugs addicts


Quiet easy put a bullet into the head of the scum or two

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Idiots idolise!


Make a change I suppose from idolising all these clowns on reality show.

IMO society wants to be famous and a reality star rather than get a job.

And the sad b*****ds really believe they will make it.


Seen people do desperate shit for alcohol and commit horrendous assaults.


In today's society When you look at the amount of swindling,tax dodging, expenses scandals . Paedos cover ups , blatant burying of evidence and I won't even touch on the illegal wars.


IMO drug dealers,are just been good little capitalists in this world of opportunity.


Does it matter if a few become addicts along the way. Obesity alcohol isn't a problem to governments when the cash is rolling in.

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Another thing that goes on is londoners going to rural areas. "Going country" as they call it, because there is less police and their not known to the police there. An older teen starts a phone line and then youngsters take it over and get paid a wage for doing so. For my generation i can tell ya its quite common. Selling misery and living a miserable life all one big cycle. Sure the kids feel their doing well earning a few hundred a week until their caught. Thats it then whole life basically f****d and mapped out for em before its properly started.

Been a few big city types try that round here.. What they soon realise is they get more heat than they'd get in a city because the police have got less to do.. Crime detection rates are way higher in a rural area than they are in a city..
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Another thing that goes on is londoners going to rural areas. "Going country" as they call it, because there is less police and their not known to the police there. An older teen starts a phone line and then youngsters take it over and get paid a wage for doing so. For my generation i can tell ya its quite common. Selling misery and living a miserable life all one big cycle. Sure the kids feel their doing well earning a few hundred a week until their caught. Thats it then whole life basically f****d and mapped out for em before its properly started.

Been a few big city types try that round here.. What they soon realise is they get more heat than they'd get in a city because the police have got less to do.. Crime detection rates are way higher in a rural area than they are in a city..


It was the scousers who started that and had it down To a fine art The thing about the londeners is they want to famous and let the world know what there up to Then they write a dozen books

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These lot aint the sort to write books more the type to rap about it on youtube lol. I know older villains do write books but cant see them being so low down in the chain that they are providing youngsters to sit in some junkies house and serve up an area. Not stupid and thinking their not into drugs but seems to be done at that level by blokes in their late 20s. Just a horrible thing really, im all for people having a choice but god knows why someone would choose to try that shit.

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It should be the same punishment in every country...get caught bringing drugs in and its the death sentence for you. Simple as

Are you talking about all drugs or only certain ones? Cheers




Wow. So anyone caught smuggling any type of illegal drug into any country should get the death penalty?


When you have been a victim of a drug crime ,like I have then yes and I love to be al to pull the trigger on the junkies as well :yes::yes:


OK. so, how have you been a victim of drug crime?


Work vans broken into ,all of my tools taken , all in all cost me well over £10,000 to replace plus the damage to the vans .Police said this a crime of drugs addicts


Quiet easy put a bullet into the head of the scum or two


Thats a bugger. Stealing a mans tools is a shite thing to do. Would of been a great idea to have them insured though. What tools do you carry to be worth over £10,000? So, are you really saying a young fella bringing back an ounce of his favourite smoke from Amsterdam should die? Or a young couple coming back from the Netherlands with 50 ecstasy tablets should get the firing squad? What about people smuggling prescription drugs like powerful pain killers or sleeping tablets like temazepam? I have been the victim of drug crime also i believe but have no wish to kill anyone.

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