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When I was a child I prayed to god and asked for a bike, but I knew god didn't work that way so I stole one and asked for forgiveness instead ?.

I will clearly state that my belief is that God does NOT exist. However, you can't prove that something doesn't exist, so if your telling me that I'm wrong, then I'm going to need some proof. Proof th

I've had a google and they reckon it's about 5000 pairs. What I can't understand if God was so powerful, powerful enough that he can make the world, he could do all these amazing things. He summons a

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Both sides of this debate are talking about things that have never been proven.......evolution has never been scientifically proven same as creation and the bible has never been proven.


However, what this thread has proven is that faith exists over scientific fact........both sides have faith in something that has never ever been proven.

So it a little hypocritical to "mock" for want of a better word the believers in one thing when the other thing has never been proven either.


Just saying like.......;)

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Wow, 101 pages. Being a Christian I was going to read through all of this when I saw the title. I am always up for a debate and am fascinated by all data, both for and against. But I thought, maybe I can keep up by reading pages 100 and 101. Turns out....I can't. What it looks like is that someone has changed conversation to universal measurements of space. But in 100 pages, a topic is probably going to drift, at least a little.


Anyone want to summarise for me?

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light year"noun"ASTRONOMY********

* a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 1012 km (nearly 6 million million miles).

* informala long distance or great amount."the new range puts them *light years ahead of* the competition"




read carefully paulas a light YEAR is the distance LIGHT travels in a YEAR

this measurement is only used to measure vast distances cause the universe is never ending

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yes remy paulas is trying to say you can use the above method to say the earth is millions of yrs old not 6000 like the bible states


he doesnt understand that its a measurement to see how the DISTANCE of light travels in one year


he will get it yet my friend lol

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