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Kids And Facebook

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I have no issue with my kids using the internet. They have the usual tablets and computers but the parental controls limit the amount of time they can spend on them. Per week. If they burn it over the weekend then they're shit out of luck.


My kids don't have phones though. They can when they're old enough to work and pay their own bills.


My mate got his phone bill through, and his daughters activity was itemised. He worked out that for the month of January 2014 she'd sent nearly 8000 texts to her friends. It equated to a text every 15 seconds spread over a 24 hour period, every day. Luckily for him, unlimited texting is the norm over here.


I know what I'd have done but he continues to enable it... You reap what you sow.

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I had the same with my two youngest girls mate ... Facebook ... Snapchat ... Twitter etc .... When it started to effect their schoolwork I turned off the router and made sure they did the required tim

The other way to get hard headed kids to comply is to make them realise that they need you more than you need them ... For example if they are always whinging about their chores or do them half hearte

We had had the same issue with oldest son... PS4 and chat all night long... attitude towards his mum in the morning because he was tired, and grades were slipping So blocked his PS4 and laptop on the

I have had a '' domestic '' tonight with my bloke over his lads rudeness .. we were invited over to his sisters for a meal to celebrate her birthday , my blokes lad had to be dragged from one of his cousins bedrooms off the pc where he watches brain numbing '' minecraft youtube stuff


So he then plays up at the table manking on about not liking the food .. all this was in a bid to get back upstairs to the pc :censored: .. after he was told to eat up & basically played with his food ... then after most of us where finishing our food & starting to clear the table .. he shot off upstairs like a longdog


Just not acceptable when we had been invited to a meal out in someones house ..... I was more annoyed at his dad for not making him sit at the table & his reluctance to see that the lad had behaved very rudely when his sister mentioned the incident


I just think its sad when an 11 year old child is visibly distressed when he is away from his electronic gadgetry... I have had words before about it but he is in a constant war with the lads mother & he thinks if he lets the lad do as he pleases he will favour him over the mother who does instill some discipline into the lad to be fair to her & I can see why the lad constantly pushes the boundaries with his dad


We little Lord fauntleroy will think his arse has cut a tooth next Friday when I have him all day .... :laugh: .... he is going out with me mooching & I won't put up with any of his crap :laugh:

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Then id suggest a remedy and all i hear is


you cant do that!


were you never a kid?


Well, what am i supposed to do?


that (punishment) doesnt work.



I think nowadays many parents have a friendship type of relationship with their kids instead of a parent/child relationship.


Yeah i know you cant be down their throats 24/7 but they need to know where the line is drawn.

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Then id suggest a remedy and all i hear is


you cant do that!


were you never a kid?


Well, what am i supposed to do?


that (punishment) doesnt work.



I think nowadays many parents have a friendship type of relationship with their kids instead of a parent/child relationship.


Yeah i know you cant be down their throats 24/7 but they need to know where the line is drawn.

I have '' you cant do that '' as well.. does my head in .. I reared my own kids very differently to how this lad is reared when his fathers got him, i just don't get to involved now because it drives me crazy .. Idid feel the need to have my say tonight because I think basic lack of manners is bang out of order

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Games consul / PC + Hammer = solution.


They have to be limited or they end up stunted little trolls with no concept of reality.


And it breeds violence and mysoginy into them as well.


He might be watching youtube when the doors open, but the little f****r will be on XHamster the second the doors shut.

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im sorry before i start, BUT it does make me laugh that the guys asking for help over kids using a social network site ON a social notwork site......... :icon_eek::laugh: f**k me if you need to ask for help about the internet on the internet then your f****d before you even start surely........ :hmm::hmm:


this site is just like facebook, its exactly the same and the only difference is its a hunting site but the same shite is posted on here as on there........the only difference is its posted on a different web page....... ;)


sorry if i sound a kunt but tbh if you need to ask for advice on the internet about your kids using the internet then theres some serious issues that need addressing..... :yes:


go back to old school methods and take it away from them............ :thumbs:

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Rake aboot, on 05 Apr 2014 - 01:01 AM, said:

Games consul / PC + Hammer = solution.


They have to be limited or they end up stunted little trolls with no concept of reality.


And it breeds violence and mysoginy into them as well.


He might be watching youtube when the doors open, but the little f****r will be on XHamster the second the doors shut.


Oh yeah and I bet you never got the porn mags out when you were a teen....

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im sorry before i start, BUT it does make me laugh that the guys asking for help over kids using a social network site ON a social notwork site......... :icon_eek::laugh: f**k me if you need to ask for help about the internet on the internet then your f****d before you even start surely........ :hmm::hmm:


this site is just like facebook, its exactly the same and the only difference is its a hunting site but the same shite is posted on here as on there........the only difference is its posted on a different web page....... ;)


sorry if i sound a kunt but tbh if you need to ask for advice on the internet about your kids using the internet then theres some serious issues that need addressing..... :yes:


go back to old school methods and take it away from them............ :thumbs:

I think what your saying is quite offensive, that there an issue with the guys parenting, I don't think that's the case I think he's just wondering who else is going through the same. It's not like he's on here as much as you

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The underlying issue is some people seem reluctant to say "no" to their kids. We've been lucky in that my lad has always been an outdoor sort of kid and games consoles and the internet have never been a big part of his life. He uses them to while away the time till the rain stops and he can get out again.


Kids don't hate you for saying no. They might in the heat of the moment, but after it has sunk in, i'm sure they appreciate the fact you are trying to help them rather than just giving them what they want for a quiet life. If there was no "nos" mixed in with the "yes's", how would they know what is a right and what is a privilege?

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The oldest girl (15) is on an internet ban at the moment, wouldn't do her chores so she loses out.

my 12 year old daughter is minus her mobile at the minute and all. :yes:
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