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Scummy wee b*****ds, bet if he was on his own he'd have done f**k all instead of acting the big man in front of his mates, I know what she means about being stuck at traffic lights, not entirely the s

I'm getting f***ing raging myself reading that mate, the wee fanny needs a slap.

I bet you would lad



Shower of c**ts!!!

Hope you get it resolved...


That's the worst part. It was only a couple of miles from here. If she'd called me at the time I probably could have found them. A wild-eyed thug in a hoodie isn't much to go on 4 hours later. Boils my piss. I bet he wouldn't have done anything to a bloke on a bike, but a 5'3" woman seems fair game.



Know what you're saying.


Would it be worth a wee run round the area at similar time in the next few days maybe?

Did she say if she thought she'd recognise the f**ker if she saw him again?


Pure C**TS! :censored:



The fact there were so many of them suggests they were going home from a party or something rather than going to work, but to be sure i'll be there tomorrow and Monday

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Bad shit mate and it shouldn't happen :nono:

But in this day and age, I wouldn't want my missus to be going to work on a scooter,

on a Saturday, at 7.00am at the end of December :huh:


Cheers, D.


Her choice mate. Perfectly good car and a van sitting in the drive, but the traffic round there can be appalling and as she's a carer, she has to cover quite a few miles each day.

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Sounds like a bunch of lads waiting for a works van at time of the morning and i'd have a bet if you were waiting around at 7 ish on another week day morning you might just strick lucky Walshie ;) ,people like animals are creatures of habit and they return to places or use the same routes many a time :yes: .

Just editing as i didn't know it was saturday :icon_redface: but maybe a footy coach was collecting fans from somewhere close or even a communtiy service group?.

Edited by fireman
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makes sense to be on here instead of tracking , him down.......ffs , facebook lol


WTF is that supposed to mean, Rambo? She's at work, my town has 50,000 people in it and they might not even be from this town.

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Bad that walshie mate, I hope Trish ain't too shaken up....

There's some proper scummers around eh, what do they get out of it, respect off their mates?..... If he was a mate if mine I would of slapped him myself...


As for the bloke who punched Jai's girl in the face, wtf, he needs to be slapped all round those woods...

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Hope shes okay walshie its a sad world we live in today mate, people got no respect for others an id certainly be waiting where it happened tomorow to see the fcker, hope you find him an give him a slap mate

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Glad mrs W is ok mate, that must have really shaken her up.. :(


makes sense to be on here instead of tracking , him down.......ffs , facebook lol

glad shes ok....

Not trying to speak for the bloke, but I'd say he's posting here out of frustration because what you suggest just isn't plausible.. He might be pissed off but the man's not an idiot, I can vouch for that.. :thumbs:
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Glad to hear Mrs W is safe and well mate , likes been said I know it's a pisser that you did not get your hands on him but if he's with a group of mates things could of been a whole lot worse for the Walshie household, it don't bare thinking about :no::thumbs:

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I know the feeling mate. My missus was out walking the dogs in the forest a few weeks back, and some guy booted her dog. When she had a go at him, he punched her in the face. . . . he was a middle aged bloke, she is a 28 year old woman. She didn't tell me until that evening. . . . if she'd told me straight away, I'd have been up the forest like a shot, looking for the f****r. It's the fact that you can't do f**k all. . . . that really gets to you.


Jesus what a f*cking c*nt.


It's the helplessness of not being able to do anything. My missus got threatened and verbally assaulted at a petrol station many years ago, I drove there like a bat out of hell but they'd left before I got there. I was fuming for weeks afterwards.

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