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No Military Intervention On Syria From The Uk

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The yanks will have someone lined up to run the gaff until it suits there purpose to replace them with someone else.   I cant see the end result for the middle east, but greater minds than mine have

Everybody hates Arabs anyway so let them get on with it, keep our nose out.

i think these middle eastren countries need "pricks/strong leaders" like saddam or gadaffi or assad in charge of them..Look at all the ones that have been "liberated"-more fighting and religious fanat

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I see Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states are calling for action.. Why don't they get on with it themselves then? :hmm: We sold the Saudis a load of Typhoons, what's the point in them having them if they ain't prepared to use them? :hmm:

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I see Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states are calling for action.. Why don't they get on with it themselves then? :hmm: We sold the Saudis a load of Typhoons, what's the point in them having them if they ain't prepared to use them? :hmm:

the problem is Arab nations distrust the West but they distrust each other even more :angel:

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I see Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states are calling for action.. Why don't they get on with it themselves then? :hmm: We sold the Saudis a load of Typhoons, what's the point in them having them if they ain't prepared to use them? :hmm:


Cause like all these Arab types they want to use us, they slag the west something rotten but when push comes to shove they run for the hills..........its easier to blow shit out of women and children on a tube train.......once they have finished their degree of course!!

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I see Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states are calling for action.. Why don't they get on with it themselves then? :hmm: We sold the Saudis a load of Typhoons, what's the point in them having them if they ain't prepared to use them? :hmm:


The reason they are calling for action is because this is a Proxy war with Iran. Syria is a sunny majority but ruled by Shia (same as Iran). This has absolutely feck all to do with anything else. Saudis are providing training to Al Quada affiliated groups and all the anti tank weapons you see destroying T-72s and T-90s are coming in from Saudi. The yanks have also had CIA types in Turkey and have been helping the weapons get over the border for ages now.


The odds that Assad would sign his own death warrant by using chemical weapons are next to zero in my opinion and there is a lot of evidence out there that says it was the rebels.


Anyway if the Saudis went in with their military the Iranians would also do so and then the whole region would go up in flames possibly dragging the rest of us including Russian in to it.

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It seems to me that Cameron badly misjudged the public mood and massively over-played his hand. He is unpopular and wanted his 'Falklands moment', but I'm for once, proud to say that democracy clipped the wings of war-hungry politicians ! I also think this has made it more difficult for Obama to act - other allies may now be more willing to stand back. I am not, by any means a pacifist, but I'm glad this has happened because........


1.There is no solid evidence that a chemical attack actually took place.

2.If such an attack did take place, there is no solid evidence as to who were the perpetrators.

3.A world super-power is already involved - pressure must be put on the Russians to reduce or stop military supplies and support to Assad.

4.The Arab League should be playing a much more prominent part in diplomatic measures.

5.It's difficult to see what could actually be done........Syria has s200 SAM missiles - a more than adequate air defence system - as well as a large and well-equipped army that isn't going to turn tail and run easily.

6.Assad, far from being the demon of the Middle East, has many allies. The Iranian 'parliament' was broadcast chanting "Death to America" the other day,for instance.

7.Before we give any material support to 'the rebels', we should have a firm idea of who 'they' actually are. Hezbollah,al-Qaeda and other Jihadi groups are involved, on both sides of the conflict. We could well be supplying our enemies !


Sorry for going on............. :icon_redface:

There is also talk that they have the Russian S 300 system, now if that is true

that would be a surprise for any military aggression used on Syria,

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Just been on the news that the French are "keen for military action" - there's a first for everything, I suppose ! :D

is this camerons loop hole? arent we sharing aircraft carriers and troops with the frogs? f***ing cameron bleating on about this vote. a f***ing 5year old knows that we are sick fed up with wars and our soldiers being killed and maimed,for what? dont see this nation benefiting from these wars. we are flooded daily by the refugees and scum from these shitholes our lads are fighting in. we go there to be maimed or worse,and they come here and bleed the place dry. it be f***ing hilarious if it wasnt so tragic. let the yanks batter on a f***ing war between uncle sam and the reds is well overdue lol its ineviatble it was written in the stars to happen some day anyway.the facade might be there in russia,but the old hard liners are still pulling the strings.and there some of those hardliners still have that coldwar mentality.silly b*****ds anyway trying to stop that,let themkill each other,and hopefully f***ing israel goes up in flames aswell.That shower fuels the anomisity.

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It seems to me that Cameron badly misjudged the public mood and massively over-played his hand. He is unpopular and wanted his 'Falklands moment', but I'm for once, proud to say that democracy clipped the wings of war-hungry politicians ! I also think this has made it more difficult for Obama to act - other allies may now be more willing to stand back. I am not, by any means a pacifist, but I'm glad this has happened because........


1.There is no solid evidence that a chemical attack actually took place.

2.If such an attack did take place, there is no solid evidence as to who were the perpetrators.

3.A world super-power is already involved - pressure must be put on the Russians to reduce or stop military supplies and support to Assad.

4.The Arab League should be playing a much more prominent part in diplomatic measures.

5.It's difficult to see what could actually be done........Syria has s200 SAM missiles - a more than adequate air defence system - as well as a large and well-equipped army that isn't going to turn tail and run easily.

6.Assad, far from being the demon of the Middle East, has many allies. The Iranian 'parliament' was broadcast chanting "Death to America" the other day,for instance.

7.Before we give any material support to 'the rebels', we should have a firm idea of who 'they' actually are. Hezbollah,al-Qaeda and other Jihadi groups are involved, on both sides of the conflict. We could well be supplying our enemies !


Sorry for going on............. :icon_redface:

What the hell are you talking about? The Iranian Parliment starts every meeting by chanting "Death to America".

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Just been on the news that the French are "keen for military action" - there's a first for everything, I suppose ! :D

I guess they got their white flag factory up and running again.


here thats no way to talk about your new best friends with a special relationship lol your welcome to the c**ts first sign your backs are against the wall and you will soon plenty white flags. was watching it on the news earlier its sickening listening to the ploiticians. im glad the uk is not in this if for nothing else just to see the look on camerons puss. ah good old democracy lol

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