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Bull Terrier & Walker Covered In Blood After Attack

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Reading between the lines..little rat was yapping away in the front yard as this silly bitch walked past with her mutt not paying any attention, dog jumps wall and grips the rat (which he was able to do because she's got him on a stupid long lead and didn't get him under control) and said silly bitch is too scared of her own dog too get him off in a timely manner. Another idiot with no idea what their dog is capable of, and two dogs have lost their lives because of it.


All my dogs would kill another dog if they got the chance but they've never so much as laid a tooth on another dog in public because I'm always alert when I'm out with them and ready to pull them in close if there's another dog nearby.

What dogs do you keep ??? .........

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good job , i didnt see it i would shot the thing, what a terrible thing to happen to a little dog.Iwas brought up with bull breeds, and we never had any probs, because they were locked up (safe). i

It makes me sick to read some of the replies on here thinking it was ok for this dog to kill someones little pet, to me these people are no better than the clown with the staffie in the article, THIS

well the owner hasnt even got the strength to say no to pies, so shes got no chance of telling a dog not to do something.   In all seriousness, dogs, big or small, can be bred in a kitchen in the ro

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Mine were socialised when pups but then brought up in the country they wouldn't see to many others and would fight any size if I let them, funnily enough i don't so I walk them away from others.

I'm responsible for my dogs and not the dogs themselves.

She really is a silly bitch.

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Theres to many useless little family pets that shouldn't be bred running free and yapping at any thing that moves I don't agree with idiots having bullbreeds if they can't control them but the silly little family pets need controlling to

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Back on the pain killers, Ray?



no feeling not to bad, lol. you know as well as me what strong dogs like bull breeds are, having had my self bullmastiffs,pits,staffs all great dogs my last pit bitch was great dog loved people and ik with dogs. But no way would ever trust her no to kick off if she got wound up. Thats the differnce i no what these dogs can do , and me+ old man made sure it never did happen. i love bull breeds but i try to be honest about them, my pup Buck 1x gsd x grey is hell of a strong pup, but got great temp lover people+ dogs, but i know what he could if nasty, you can only do so much with any dog regards training+ socialisation, but if its in them to fight or bite somebody its all ways there any dog but its in some breeds more than others fact, just be honest with the breeds thats all i say :yes:

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Reading between the lines..little rat was yapping away in the front yard as this silly bitch walked past with her mutt not paying any attention, dog jumps wall and grips the rat (which he was able to do because she's got him on a stupid long lead and didn't get him under control) and said silly bitch is too scared of her own dog too get him off in a timely manner. Another idiot with no idea what their dog is capable of, and two dogs have lost their lives because of it.


All my dogs would kill another dog if they got the chance but they've never so much as laid a tooth on another dog in public because I'm always alert when I'm out with them and ready to pull them in close if there's another dog nearby.

What dogs do you keep ??? .........



I keep a few PBTs and and a 3/4staffxjrt :thumbs:

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It makes me sick to read some of the replies on here thinking it was ok for this dog to kill someones little pet, to me these people are no better than the clown with the staffie in the article, THIS WAS SOMEONES LITTLE PET you might not like the breed but it didn't deserve to die like that in it's own garden might I add, I like staffie and bull type dogs and have never come across a bad one yet, only idiot owners have untrained dogs, unfortunately these are in the lurcher world too. Two lurchers killed my neighbours little cat the other night, the cat belonged to a 5yr old wee girl who loved her wee cat to bits,another lurcher owner had no control over their dogs last month and they both tore into an elderly mans little dog which was on the lead, poor wee thing luckily survived. It's not big and it's not clever for large dogs to kill other peoples precious little pets !!!

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There's a similar 'toy' dog down my road, when you walk past it's going mental and sticking its head through the gate barking its irritating stupid little head off......if a bull terrier was in the garden doing the same the police would be called within minutes! Loads of those little dogs are nasty snappy horrible little things but because they're so small nobody does anything about them. My mates chihauhau is the nastiest dog I've ever seen.... it ended up being killed by an alsation.


Dogs read other dogs body language, if a bull terrier is walking along and another dog is in full attack mode then it'll react....whether it's a yorkie or a great dane! the dog's not going to think, "OK, a dog is trying to attack me but it's a toy breed so I won't attack it back". I would put money on that being what happened here.


However, it's 100% up to the owner to control their dog. I've seen loads of women walking around with dogs that probably weigh almost as much as them, there's not a chance they'd hold them back if it kicked off. I got bit once because some bloke was walking two big dogs (on a lead) and I had mine on a lead, they were all eyeballing each other then the next thing the two dogs dragged him across the path and all hell broke loose, one of his bit me on the leg. If I'd have been a kid walking a dog god knows what the outcome would have been!


I've also seen a gang of thick arsed chavs walking along with an EBT deliberately winding it up when people with other dogs were passing.


I don't really know what the answer is though to be honest, you're always going to get retards with dogs, and even if they banned all bull breeds there are plenty of other breeds that would become the next chav status symbol.

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Im sure there are bull terrier owners who can control there charges,however i have yet to meet one.i used to back track when i spotted them with there dogs running amock.now i try to take my dog out when there less chance im going to bump in to them.like 5am this morning..f***ing bliss it aswell.knowing your not going to bump into these fools and thier dogs.


now mine is older now,and can stand his own ground. if i do have the misfortune of bumping into them. i always shout very politely and ask if they could put there dog on a lead,till i pass. most oblige,but there a few who the minute they spy me and my dog just come charging up to him,he duly latches onto there lug or neck.i dont give a shit im f***ing sick off having walks ruined by these folk and thier dogs,now i dont need to back track my steps,they cant get there dogs on the lead quick enough when they see me now.guess it becomes an issue to them when its there dog taking a bit of a beating.oh and i did my best to socialise him as a pup.but he was attacked twice while on the lead,and now he despises any other dogs,and tbh it suits me fine.maybe they will learn to control them better.

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Thats the thing thought if they wee rat dog had came rushing out into the street and attacked the other dog then nothing could be done. Different story when one dog goes into the garden for it and kills it whether it was 'yapping' or not. Didnt read it till the end so dont know if the staff is put down....it would be if that was my wee dog.

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People don't seem to realise what their dog can do...there's a muppet who walks around here with an American Bulldog, the guy clearly doesn't know his arse from his elbow with dogs nevermind something so powerful and yet let's the f****r off the lead. It never listens to him, runs amock jumping up at kids, at people and at dogs, Tex stands his ground with it but Ruby is afraid of it's sheer size and yelps and it goes for her. Luckily last time i was out my brother was there to pick her up, the f***ing thing was jumping up snarling and snapping at her though.


When the guy eventually got to us he tried to laugh it off (Tex rugby tackled the dog before for trying to bite Ruby) and he said "oh these are the dogs that put him in his place before".....i just said "don't you think it's a good idea to have him on a lead? This is the second time now"..."no he's alright really, he was just distracted by a bitch on heat" :hmm: load of bollocks. He had to be told lead on or else before this dog catches someone or bites another dog and it's game over. f***ing idiot of the highest order :yes:

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Im just wondering if this would have made the news at all if it was any other breed doing the attacking bar a bull breed :hmm:

well when my mates dog was killed it didn't even make the local news, and it was a very similar incident, just not a bull breed.

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