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Police cracking down and hot as ever.

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What bullshit.


"Most hare coursers cars are unregistered"...


Mines a company car :-D

ha ha , unregestered eh.. bollox tell that to the lads who got cought in peterborough last year ,, they crushed there 4x4 and a grand fine ,
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"The hares are sometimes used as food but more often there left lying which makes this a sport" if they hadn't banned it I'm sure every hare that was caught up and down the country would be took home

i couldnt give 2 hoots hunt on stop worrying or you will end up like delmondo a proper s h i t t y a rse to scared to go out lol lol lol

More media hysteria: been out ferreting and been targeted as hare coursers: its come to the stage where the public see a lurcher and immediately think hare coursers. Ooh, nasty, evil criminals. Even

hunting with dogs ban will never be lifted as long as you got a hole in your arse , it vertually europe wide .. as they pull our strings , us being the puppetts . ;; so you can forget it ever happening and be f..kin gratefull you can still catch rabbits with dogs ... ,untill they ban that aswell ,, and they will eventually!!!. may sound harsh but it will happen .. ;)


France it's a no no with a sight hound, here coursing is so popular it's on the telly as for the rest of Europe majority of countries allow hunting with all types of dogs. The difference is the antis are not as listened to nor do they have the sympathy of the media.


the other night there was an old chap walking down my street carrying his shottie (in a slip) plus a load of pheasants in his hand no-one batted an eyelid lol in the UK it would be an armed response job.

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hunting with dogs ban will never be lifted as long as you got a hole in your arse , it vertually europe wide .. as they pull our strings , us being the puppetts . ;; so you can forget it ever happening and be f..kin gratefull you can still catch rabbits with dogs ... ,untill they ban that aswell ,, and they will eventually!!!. may sound harsh but it will happen .. ;)


France it's a no no with a sight hound, here coursing is so popular it's on the telly as for the rest of Europe majority of countries allow hunting with all types of dogs. The difference is the antis are not as listened to nor do they have the sympathy of the media.


the other night there was an old chap walking down my street carrying his shottie (in a slip) plus a load of pheasants in his hand no-one batted an eyelid lol in the UK it would be an armed response job.

apart from germany holland belgium. austria swiss and a few more apart from poland , spain maybe some old eastern block the rest ban coursing for sure .so it is vertually europe wide ,, name the western european countries you can legally course with dogs ?
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as far as the police are concerned, its all "kicking off big time" in Cambridge, when someone is walking down the road with a whippet, stupid lazy fat XXXXXXX they could do with a tour of Helmand province or somalia

Edited by cocker
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hunting with dogs ban will never be lifted as long as you got a hole in your arse , it vertually europe wide .. as they pull our strings , us being the puppetts . ;; so you can forget it ever happening and be f..kin gratefull you can still catch rabbits with dogs ... ,untill they ban that aswell ,, and they will eventually!!!. may sound harsh but it will happen .. ;)


I think in the next 5 years we will see Hare coursing banned in Ireland too. They must be receiving a lot of pressure to follow...

I don't know about that ... As in northern Ireland they took the Irish hare off the tpo which allows us to hunt them with a dog again ... Also we have politicians who are pro hunt and try for change over here ,


Is open coursing legal in Ireland, or is it all park coursing?

Don't know as I'm not from Ireland :thumbs:


But in NI coursing events are banned but we are legally allowed to catch hares with lurchers as long as it's not an organised event


And so it should be here to persuit of a hare with a single dog,

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people have hunted hares since they first saw them. it's ironic that the anti's believe a ban will prevent this happening.


for fork sake we still poached when one of the sentences was death.


hunting is such a passion for some of us that we will risk it all what we were born to do!!!!!!!!!


good luck i say

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hunting with dogs ban will never be lifted as long as you got a hole in your arse , it vertually europe wide .. as they pull our strings , us being the puppetts . ;; so you can forget it ever happening and be f..kin gratefull you can still catch rabbits with dogs ... ,untill they ban that aswell ,, and they will eventually!!!. may sound harsh but it will happen .. ;)


France it's a no no with a sight hound, here coursing is so popular it's on the telly as for the rest of Europe majority of countries allow hunting with all types of dogs. The difference is the antis are not as listened to nor do they have the sympathy of the media.


the other night there was an old chap walking down my street carrying his shottie (in a slip) plus a load of pheasants in his hand no-one batted an eyelid lol in the UK it would be an armed response job.

apart from germany holland belgium. austria swiss and a few more apart from poland , spain maybe some old eastern block the rest ban coursing for sure .so it is vertually europe wide ,, name the western european countries you can legally course with dogs ?


Spain, Portugal, Nordics, Ireland, Lux, Lich, Andorra



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The police think we are all into it for the money and gambling and matching, what they don't realise is we love the sport and watching our dogs run and how addictive it is and how hard it is to give up, believe me if I cud give it up tomorrow I would but I just can't, it must tap into mans primeval desire to hunt and there is nothing more natural than that, if more people were addicted to hunting than heroin the world would be a better place cause we don't have to go out to rob and steal to fund our habits, the police want to sort there priorities out and if all the police time and money that is spent catching hare coursers was spent getting a rapist or child molester off the streets then that would make the country better, the backward c**ts its all about numbers and statistics to them and not what really matters to making the country better, need to sort there heads out

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driveing the land [bANNED TEXT] fu k it all up and made it hot man and dog bin going for donkey years be four the car lads that dnt give a fu k has made it hot l hav allways walk and [bANNED TEXT] every happens thats the way l was told so [bANNED TEXT] lads say it hot there bring it on there self doing it the lazye way

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