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WH smith gun mag ban for kids please vote

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This is what this country is becomeing ...I bought my young lad one of they replica shotguns for his 3rd birthday ....and when he started school my wife was pulled up by the headmaster that he had con

I've just written directly toi Ms Swann. Maybe if her inbox gets full enough, she might take notice. If it's any use to anyone, here's what I wrote.   Dear Ms Swann,   I am writing to voice my co

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I received the same reply from some PA or robot called Joanne Tyler, as shown earlier in the thread.


I have now written another reply, which I won't bore you with now, but I will not give up until a real person gives me a reply, that is rational, and of some substance.


This may not seem a big issue to some, but this is the start of a big campaign!

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This was a reply back from a second e mail I sent, as I wasnt happy with the pro forma reply from the first one!


Dear **********





Thank you for your further e mail which has been passed to me as Head of Customer Services for investigation and response.




I apologise if you feel that our initial reply did not sufficiently address all of your previous concerns.




I would like to assure you that WHSmith respects the views expressed by all customers. We are therefore now in the process of assimilating all of this further feedback, to assist us in looking into this issue.




If I can be of any further assistance at any point , please do not hesitate to contact me.






Juliette Cavilla


Head of Customer Services


Now, I know I am probably being a little naive when I say this, but reading what she says, there is a slight glimmer of hope that WHSmiths, will look at all the evidence and views and may reconsider their decision.


Realistically though she is probably just earning her crust and keeping everybody happy.


It may well be worth keep e mailing in your views just in case to keep the pressure up!!

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I went into Smiths today to buy a shooting mag to browse over while having a coffee. Went to the self service machine and it said I had to have 'authorisation for this product'............ confused as feck I went to the proper till point and it went through alright so thought no more of it. It had crossed my mind that they may have imposed a restriction on buying them and was prepared to kick off if anything was said.


It all makes sense having read this.......


f**k all this hippy, soft arse, lefty, PC bullshit! Australia and the States seem like the only places where a man can be a man and proud of it these days.

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It just goes to show how far removed Britains public is from the realities of the natural world. In some cultures hunting men are admired, infact in some cultures if a man doesn't hunt he isn't considered much of a man! Too many soft manacured wankers that look down on a chap that likes getting into the world of predator a prey rather than watching it on the Discovery Channel. I'm deeply suspicious of any fella that is scared of getting a bit of mud on his face and blood on his hands!


That's really f*****g rattled me! :censored::laugh:

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It just goes to show how far removed Britains public is from the realities of the natural world. In some cultures hunting men are admired, infact in some cultures if a man doesn't hunt he isn't considered much of a man! Too many soft manacured wankers that look down on a chap that likes getting into the world of predator a prey rather than watching it on the Discovery Channel. I'm deeply suspicious of any fella that is scared of getting a bit of mud on his face and blood on his hands!


That's really f*****g rattled me! :censored::laugh:

Remember what they say......."vegetarian" is just a name for somebody who's ancestors where crap at hunting :laugh:

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The reply



Dear Customer


Thank you for your email.


WHSmith aims to offer our customers choice, whilst striking the right balance and not acting as a censor. WHSmith seeks to do its best to satisfy all of its customers who often have strongly opposing views. We aim to display all of our magazines in locations where they are accessible to those who want to buy them, but do not offend those who do not. The till prompt system has been in place for many years on a range of different products and this has not previously been an issue for customers.


i have also just recieved that exact emai in reply to the one i sent.

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More ill thought out knee jerk bullshit. I have not had a reply of WH Smith. If I do I will ask them what ID would be acceptable for kids to prove they are old enough to buy shooting mags. Driving licence? Passport? I can't think of anything that would be acceptable other than a passport. I can't see many parents sending their kids in to town of a weekend with their passport in their pocket to lose / have stolen or be damaged.


It isn't law just some bullshit 'store policy' :censored:

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Done..what's with the Pig Farm thing ?

BORDERS books done similiar years back..Used to get my Copy of PETERSONS hunting & Field & Sport U.S,A.,in there...2 copies at the most on shelf ..I buy them .then the next month same again..Then all of a sudden Silch !! .. Querried it ,New guy taken over ,not Appropiate..? this is in a BOOK Shop that you could access anything from Anal sex to Murdering your Granny !!!! sometimes it's not the chain but the STOCK guy/Girl just not ordering them in ...Antis get into positions were they can F**K things up ..like a 5th column.. :cray: Hunters on the other hand tend to Keep the Head Down and Mouth shut ..well most :icon_redface:

John Lewis' workers had a good thing going with their shooting ,etc until the Board got all P.C.. shame ,Great Shop to..

WH.Smiths can go sing Now if they keep this up ..NO MORE BUYING my SHARPIES ,of them for my MENSHIES .. :whistling: "YOUNG WINDYRIDGE KREW " :laugh:

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